Me and you, you and I.

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It was half twelve and I was meeting Jessie's parents for the first time today, nerves were circling my whole body and well it was such short notice and what if they don't like me?

Negative thoughts were surrounding me when I felt two arms snake around my waist.

"ready?" Jessie whispered into my ear as I instantly relaxed into her touch.


We were now parked outside of Jess' parents house, nervous Isn't even the word. Jessie turned her head and gave me a half smile

"Tess are you sure you want to do this, because if you're not ready i fully und-"

"Jessie, i'm excited to meet your parents, I want this more than ever" I smiled as she returned one but even bigger

"lets go".

Before we even had a chance to knock on the door a dark haired women opened the door with the biggest smile on her face, I assumed this was Jessie's mum.

She embraced Jessie in a tight hug and turned to me "Is this the famous tess our Jessie won't stop going on about, i'm rose" she smiled "nice too meet you" embracing me in a tight hug.

"Mother" Jessie flustered looking quite embarrassed, i couldn't help but laugh, which she didn't find funny and I earned a nudge.

"Lets go inside" rose said ushering us inside.

"Jessicaaaaa" a little voice said as he came running up to her, I assumed this was Jessie's nephew, he was adorable. "Is Jessica Here" I heard a deep voice say behind me "she is indeed dad" Jessie said embracing him into a hug "and you must be tess, i'm stephen" he said giving me a hug "Nice to meet you, finally" I smiled as we sat on the couches.

A few hours had passed and Jessie's sisters, Hannah and Rachel had arrived we said are hellos and we were all sat at the table chatting, I was told funny childhood stories of Jessies which were so funny but she didn't find it quite amusing. I really liked Jessie's family, they were exactly what she described them as, funny, caring, loving. I felt like I was part of their family now.

It was half nine and I had work the next day so we decided to get going, we said our goodbye and arranged to meet up another day, I really enjoyed today, way more than I expected to.


It was just going on midnight and I was cuddled up in bed next to Jess

"So what did you think about today" Jessie let out, propping up on one hand, I mirrored her actions "I loved it, you're family are so lovely Jess" I smiled.

"good because i enjoyed it too" She said leaning in brushing her lips against mine.

we both drifted off happy with How today went.

Hellooo, yeah this chapter is kinda shit and im shit at updates but It will get better i promise, if you comment and vote it seriously would help me out a lot thankyou x

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