Chapter 1

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John walks towards the door to his house, not sure whether to prepare to be shocked or scared at what he finds...
His house is haunted, he is sure of it.
The noises, like shifting getting louder with each step, he opens the door slowly...

John's house is filled with laughter and joy, a surprise birthday party...of course....
He stared in shock and relief, looking around his living room, he saw his girlfriend, with her brown wavy hair and her gorgeous brown eyes, she was wearing a blue dress and she looked amazing. Charlotte, that was her name, he loves throwing that word around in his thoughts, it makes him feel awesome.
His mother was also there, John always loved his mother, mostly because her, John and his dad would always share stories about him at birth and that his father saved his mother, yet John didn't know what from... John never knew what to think of his dad...
There were a few more friends, Brooklynn was there, she was Charlotte's sister, although quieter.
And the lads were there, Max, David, Björn the swedish bloke that was funny to listen to when trying to say big English words and Joe, the one that was always trying to top John, no matter what he did.

The party went well, he loved it, especially when Joe got so drunk that he started making out with a potted plant.

There was just one thing, when John went over to talk to Björn, he glanced over his shoulder and John was pretty sure that he saw something move in the spare room through the ajar door... John dismissed it. He did a lot of that since he played the game...
An hour later, and the last person had just left, but John had that feeling that he was being watched...he turned, slowly and he was sure that he saw something move, he was sure of it..."It's nothing" he muttered to himself. He cleared up the mess and went to bed along with Charlotte.

John had a dream, quite a vivid one that night, it was of the game they played... The dream started with John, Björn,Joe and a friend of Björn, Felix.
They were all unpacking a moving van and when they finished, it was Björn suggested that they play a spooky game, the game being the midnight man...

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