The Camera.

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Sophie and Laura look shocked. Heather laughs hysterically whilst The whole class is silent. Sophie tries to think of what she can get the kids to do whilst she rips in to Heather. Laura still shocked. "Heather you little shit! get the fuck over here now!" is what Sophie wants to say, but what she says is "Heather, over here please. Everyone else two laps of the field as a warm up please. hop to it". Sophie takes a deep breath, Laura stands by her wondering how she'll be with Heather.

*Sophie's pov* Right, all I've got to do is make Heather believe me or I've got to warn her that making stupid accusations like this can get her in serious trouble.*

*Laura's pov* I cant believe Heather just came out with that!!? I really don't know what to do. I'll just see how sophie reacts to Heather.... She looks so hot when she's angry.*

*Heather's pov* oh shit! I really shouldn't have said that! they're probably both straight and have children. The only reason I said it is because I was trying to impress Eleanor. I love her so much.*

Heather walks over to Sophie. Before Sophie starts to speak Heather says "look miss I'm sorry. I didn't mean it, nor did I mean what I said when I introduced myself. I was just trying to impress Eleanor. I am really, really sorry. " Sophie looks shocked, "wow okay, you shouldn't make silly accusations just to impress someone. I don't know you yet Heather but you seem like a bright and intelligent girl. find a way to impress Eleanor without getting yourself into trouble okay? now go and do the warm up." she replies. Heather starts running to catch up with the other girls. Laura walks over to Sophie "I'm impressed. well done." Laura says. "Thank you" Sophie smiles. Sophie and Laura set up a game of rounders' as they only have half an hour left of the lesson. They call the girls back over and then play two rounds before the lesson ends. They send the girls back down to the changing room's and Sophie and Laura clean up the cones, bats and balls then start walking back to the office. Sophie looks at Laura and says "do you like the beach? and fish and chips... on the beach?" Laura smiles "yes I love the beach" she replies. Sophie smiles "good, would you like to go to the beach after work?" "as in a date?" smiles Laura "yes as in a date" Sophie replies. "id love to" replies Laura.

*after school*

Laura and Sophie take their bags and go to Brighton beach in Sophie's car. after a hour and a half of laughing, joking and talking in the car they arrive at the beach. They start by walking along the beach still talking and giggling, Laura's hand slips in to Sophie's. They both smile. They get fish and chips from the chip shop at the top of the beach by the amusements. Sophie buys the fish and chips and they make their way down to the beach. "i know this will sound a little... weird but i really do like you. yes we only met about twelve hours or so ago but i feel like i can be myself around you and not have to hide." Laura says. Sophie smiles. "you have no idea how happy I am to hear that. I feel exactly the same way! I feel as though I've known you forever. that sounds kinda weird right?" she laughs. As they're sitting side by side on the beach. Laura places her hand on Sophie's knee, looks into her eyes and replies "no, no that's not weird at all. I feel the same way. Not gonna lie this sounds like a clichéd school musical" they both laugh. Laura kisses Sophie who freezes In shock before placing her hand on Laura's cheek and passionately kisses her back. After watching the sun set together, they head back to the car. Laura slips her hand into Sophie's hand. They both smile. They arrive back at Sophie's car. Laura leans against the car so that she's facing Sophie, "your amazing you know that? I've never met someone as kind and sweet as you" she says. Laura smiles and pulls sophie towards her and whispers "just... shut up and kiss me already". Sophie smiles and replies "with pleasure" and kisses Laura passionately, before deepening the kiss. Sophie places her hands on Laura's hips before sliding them down to Laura's bum. Laura whispers to Sophie "I want you... Now" before unbuttoning Sophie's jeans. Sophie steps back "we better get back its getting late". They get in the car and leave the beach to head home.
Whilst in the car they start talking about the future. "So sophie, what would you class this as?" Asks Laura. Sophie smiles and replies "what do you mean?" "Well what would you class me and you as? What was that thing we just did?" Laura asks curiously. Sophie gives Laura a cheeky smile and replies "maybe I was trying to woo you, maybe I wasn't? who knows". Laura replies "you were trying to woo me weren't you?" with a smile on her face. Sophie laughs "was it that obvious? I've been trying to all day". "well all I'm going to say is your doing a good job so far" smiles Laura.

After a long drive back from Brighton Sophie takes Laura home. They walk up to Laura's front door. Laura turns round to face Sophie. "do you want to come in? for a coffee?" asks Laura. sophie looks at her watch its 20:45 "ah, its getting late,I should be heading home"  replies Sophie. Laura places her hand on Sophie's shoulders "thank you for a great time" she says. before sophie could say anything Laura kisses her passionately and asks "still have to go home?" "afraid so honey" sophie replies before kissing Laura again before saying their goodbyes.

After texting Laura for most of the night sophie gets a text message from an unsaved number "remember me? darling sophie". she drops the phone out of disbelief and fear.

~ who is it? will the person interfere with sophie and Laura's budding relationship?  stay tuned to find out~

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2018 ⏰

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