Hell Hound

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"Are you serious? A LIE DETECTOR?!"

"WHO are you and WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder, pulling me back. I left the room, leaving Martian Manhunter to scan his mind.

I walked along the passage with Superboy, down to the room where Rain was being... "defrosted".

As we entered the room, she was walking towards the door to leave.

"Hey, are you okay?" I said, putting my hands on her shoulders.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She replied. "Well, all thanks to Leo." She blushed as she said his name, and looked down at the floor. Her hair hid her face like a curtain.

Hell Hound.

Hell Hound was the one who saved Rain. He had the same powers as her, except fire instead of plasma.

His real name is Leo Pilikia. He fell into a volcano is his home town in Hawaii when he was 13, and then lightning struck the volcano. Some chemical reaction happened or something, and now he's a "hero".

I don't trust him. He seems like bad news, dangerous even. I know that Rain was a good bad guy. Is it possible that he's a BAD good guy?


I was looking for Rain. And Leo.

I saw Martian Manhunter, and he told me Leo was telling the truth. Just GREAT.

However he didn't know where Leo was. I began searching: main command, the cells, the training rooms. At long last I found him- and Rain- in one of the gyms. They were throwing punches at mannequins, and having a laugh. I walked into the room just as Rain kicked the head off.

"There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you. I was starting to get worried." I said, walking towards her.
"You don't need to worry about me, Rick." She replied tiredly, with a weak smile.
"Well, I'm gonna go get a drink. She you in five." She sprinted out of the door.

Now it was just me and him.

I got a new mannequin, and Leo did the same. I started hitting it furiously, fists flying.
"So." Said Leo breathlessly,"Are you and Rain like, a thing?"
"It's none of your business if we are or if we aren't." I replied hotly, punching harder still.
"Well, she seems to care about you." He stopped punching."Alot."

I stopped as well.

It was then that Rain walked through the door, with three cans of coke. She threw on at me, and one at Leo. We both caught them, and Rain and I left Leo in in the gym. We went out onto the balcony, opposite the door. We looked out towards the bay. Rain threw her coke can into the air, and, as it was falling, shot it three times with plasma bullets.

"You're getting pretty good you know." I said, looking at her and smiling.
She laughed, and punched my shoulder.

Suddenly, the over sound crackled, and Beastboy's voice said:
Robin, the main com's broke. Report to mission command to help fix it.

It crackled again, and then silence.

I went to main command, and fixed the computer. It wasn't hard- I just had to restart the router and moter of the Wifi. I went back to the gym, but Rain wasn't there.

In fact, Rain wasn't anywhere.

I searched and searched, and eventually I found her on the Mountain- with Leo. They were looking at the sunset, laughing and smiling. I hid behind a large stone near them, not eavesdropping, just... listening.

"You know, you're a pretty good fighter." He said.
"You're not too bad yourself." She replied.
She paused.
"Thanks for... saving me earlier."
"Well, a girl like you is worth saving any day." He said, looking at her, smiling.
She looked back at him, but turned her face away. Leo put his hand on her cheek gently, and made her look at him.

His arm snaked round her petite waist, pulling her closer. She put her arms around his neck, and they kissed.


Her hands came forward, and she pushed him away, realising what she had done. He looked upset, but I should have been the one crying.


I pulled away from him. What had I done? I had Rick. I didn't need him. Then why did I kiss him? I could lie to myself and say it was just to thank him for saving me, but it was more than that. MUCH more than that.

As I stumbled back, shocked at what I had done, I bumped into something. SomeONE.
He looked down at me with his ice-blue eyes, eyes full of hurt.
He pushed me aside, and advanced on Leo.

I ran.
What had I done??

Hope your enjoying the book,

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