Swear It Again (One-Shot FanFic)

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The breath-taking view of the sunset in front of me made me stare at it in amazement. I've never seen such a phenomenon like this. It's my first time to completely see the sun set in as the light slowly fades in the sky. I can't exactly explain how and what I feel right now.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Said the person beside me.

"Of course, it is." I replied as I turned to look at him with a smile. He smiled back at me.

"Did you like it?" He asked once again.

"I love it!" I said in reply.

"I love it too..." he said while looking at the yellowish-orange rays of the fading sun, "and you too."

My face furrowed as I ask, "What do you mean?"

"I love you too." He said using his sweet voice, the voice I love to hear the most. I smiled the widest smile I ever could, and the butterflies in my stomach leapt up and down.

Shane never failed to make me feel loved by his words and actions. Even a simple act he does shows that he loves me as much as I love him.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." He mumbled.

"We can if we choose to do so." I responded.

We stared at each other's eyes for a while. Then he held my hand and intertwined our fingers. I held his hand tighter as I rested my head on his shoulder.

I will never get tired of watching the sunset several times as long as he's beside me. I hope this moment will happen again...

even after I leave tomorrow.

At this young age, I can say that I and Shane already knew the word love. We may seem like we're just best of friends in front of many people. Well, it's just a form of disguise. When we're far from everyone, we would stare at each other as long as we could and we keep reminding ourselves how much we love each other.

Seeing the happiness in his eyes and feeling every beat of my heart, I still can't believe our relationship is already in its fourteenth month. I can never measure how strong we were that we have come this far. Even though we're in a secret relationship, we, of course, experienced the stuffs normal lovers experienced. But I guess we're really unbreakable and inseparable.

I don't want to say in full assurance that we really are unbreakable and inseparable, because right now, we're facing one great obstacle that I hope we will successfully overcome.

Few weeks ago, Mum and Dad found out about us. They were really mad at us that Dad would even curse Shane. Mum was so disappointed that I disobeyed her and neglected the words she kept on telling me.


"You're still very young, Aileen! Don't rush things out! I kept on telling those words to you, and this is what we will hear from you? And the worse than that, you've been hiding this from us for almost a year?! Can't you really wait for the right time?!" Mum said in dismay. I actually remembered every single word she said. I'm an obedient child, but not when it comes to this thing.

"Mum, dad, It's hard to oppose what my heart dictates. I cannot stop my heart from beating for the person I really love."

All of a sudden, dad slapped me.

"Don't be so naive, Aileen! You don't know what you're talking about! Break up with him or else, I will send you out of the country to study!"

My palm was still on my right cheek as I silently cried. I don't want to decide... because I don't want to say goodbye to him.

Upon knowing my decision, dad seriously stand for his words. They're taking me out of the country because they think it is the most effective way to separate us, and I wish it won't work.

I suddenly felt sad when I once again remembered that I'm leaving soon.


"What is it my dear?"

"Can we really make it through this?"

He lifted my head so we can see each other's face. He held both my cheeks with his palms.

"Aileen, if you feel like giving up, always remember that I'm always here. Just have trust in me... in us. We're going to overcome this, okay?" He  said even though he's near to crying.

I burst out my feelings and started crying.

"Shane... I don't want to leave. I can't..." I tried to say between my sobs.

He embraced me and tried to relieve the pain and fear we both feel.

"Aileen, it's just the distance that will exist between us. Our love is greater than that. No matter what ways they would find to try breaking us, they will never succeed."

"I love you Shane."

"I love you so much Aileen."

I buried my face on his chest and let the tears come out. How I wish tomorrow will never come.

When the moon turned over the sun, he brought me home. I was already standing in the doorway but he doesn't let go of my hand. I convinced him to go home now before dad would see him.

That night, sleepiness didn't visit. I don't really want tomorrow to come. Minutes passed, and hours too, and still I'm wide awake.

When I looked at the clock, the feeling of fear came again. I don't want to leave.


I was startled when I heard some kind of sound of knocking at the window. I stood up to see if there was something, or someone. I was greatly suprised to see the person standing in my room's small balcony.


"Sssshhhh... lower your voice. We might wake your parents up."

I hugged him. "Why are you here?" I whispered.

We released each other and he replied. "I can't forget what you told me earlier, that we can stay forever if we choose to do so. That's why I'm here." He explained in a whispering way.

He entered my room and took one of my bags.

"Shane, where are you taking it?"

"I don't want you to leave. You don't want to leave. If we escape, then you won't leave anymore."

At first I thought we might be in more harmful situation if we escape. But I trust him. I love him. That's why I came with him. We successfully went out of the house.

"Where shall we go now?" I asked.

"To a place no one can ever separate us, and everyone accepts us."

I took his hand as we started to walk away from my house. I don't know if we've done the right thing but one thing's for sure: We followed our heart, and we know it would lead us to happiness and contentment.

*~ End ~*

(Author's Note:)

HI guys! So what do you think about my first-ever fanfic? Please leave your comments below :) And don't forget to click that star button near the book cover. By the way, thanks for reading this one-shot. Writing this was really not on my plan, not until I feel every word of the song Swear It Again. I then internalized its meaning, so I came up with this.

So far, I'm planning to do another one-shot fanfic but then yours truly is a busy person that I can't even find time to open my watty account. I don't know when will I start writing again but I assure you, I will make your wait worth it.

Thanks for reading this note and this one-shot story. Have a nice day ;)

~Nonalie :)

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