EWW The Legend of Korra: Episode One ("Welcome to Republic City")

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This series exists. Yes, I am going there.


"Earth... fire... air... water..." 

The opening begins by showing off avatars that we know and love- putting familiarity before mystery- when the first series showed its opening characters silhouetted- mystery before familiarity. This alone says volumes about the designs of both shows- ATLAB strived to be more than the faces you saw onscreen, whereas TLoK settles for being the sum of its parts.


"When I was a boy, my father- Avatar Aang- told me the story of how he and his friends ended the Hundred Year war." 

Pandering (the first of many such wrongs to follow, by which I mean there are many callbacks in this first episode that appeal to the lesser tastes of fans), and a recap of the previous series, because you didn't do an Avatar: The Last Air Bender marathon before getting started on the sequel like the nerdy avatar fan that you are.


"Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko transformed the Fire Nation Colonies into a new Republic of Nations;" 

Rather than give their ill-gotten colonies back to the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation (with the avatar) decided to turn them into America.


"a society where benders and non-benders" 

Tenzin immediately establishes a distinction between those who bend and those who don't to set up the main conflict of the first season. Those who don't bend elements have no reason to be called "non-benders"- they clearly have the ability to bend, just in a less mystical way. This form of discrimination is unrealistically forced.


"from all over the world could thrive"

I doubt it.


"in peace and harmony." 

But then, everything changed when the Fire Nation- ...oh.


"They named the capital of this great land... Republic City." 

I looked up the definition of 'pretentious' over this city's name.


"Avatar Aang accomplished many remarkable things in his life, but sadly, his time in this world came to an end..." 

Except when he visited Korra just like Roku before him and gave her important context and spiritual guidance to help her on her journey... right? Why are you looking at me like that?


"Book One: Air" 

Book One: Air. This one alone is worth an extra wrong or five since we learn almost nothing about the old Air Nomads in this season- the central focus is on Republic City.

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