Meeting Your Rival and True Love

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You sit up and look into the mirror across from you. You haven't gotten a chance to look around your new neighborhood yet. You grab your comb and straighten your hair. You then open your closet only find one of your six outfits clean. You put it on. It's an indigo tuxedo with alight pink tie and navy blue pants. Not your best outfit but an outfit none the less. You take off down the street to see if you can find anyone your age. Maybe even a girl! You remain confident and walk a little faster. Your thoughts fill you with determination. Suddenly a soft white paw shot through the bushes and started petting your face. "Koot hooman! Koot hooman!" a squeaky voice yipped. "Tem stop petting him!" another voice said. The paw retracted and a monster with cat ears, dog ears, a short tail, and a golden yellow dress walked out from behind the hedge dragging a smaller version of her with an over sized tee shirt behind her. "Sorry." she said. "My sister loves humans." You tell her it's OK barley getting the words out. You feel like your face is about to be melted off by your blushing. Your heart was dancing better than you could. "I'm Temmie." she said you could feel your next word before you even said them. "That's a really pretty name. I'm Y/N." The words poured out of your mouth before you could say what you wanted to say. "I'm Annoying Dog!" A voice yelled. A little white annoying dog lept from the trees landing in front of Temmie. "I know silly!" Temmie said. "You looooooooooooove sis!" Tem yelled at Annoying Dog. "You tooooooooooooooooo!" She yelled at you. "Tem! Be nice! Guys can be friends with girls!" Temmie yelled at her. "Ya! Ya! Girlfriends!" Tem said. Temmie apologized to you and Annoying Dog before taking her sister inside. "Don't touch her human!" Annoying Dog said. You tell him to scram. You both run off. Glaring behind you as you ran. You run into a pole and you then you decide to look were you are going.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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Annoying Dog X Reader X TemmieWhere stories live. Discover now