pilot (part 1)

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Empress's pov

"Chase I can't do it anymore," I say on the verge of crying. "Please stop , I can't take it ," I beg feeling the stinging pain in my legs .
" Get the hell up or I will make you," chase yells. After kicking me in the torso .
" I can't ," I slur as I clench my stomach as I cough up blood.
He immediately grabs me by my hair and pulls me over to the chair.
"Please no," I say as I start scratching his hand and kicking my legs. He throws me in chair ignoring my pleads. "This is for not listening ," chase say right before he punched me across the face . " This is for not loving me ," he says as he bangs my head on the back of the chair. All I can feel is the  blood dripping down my face as he continues to hit me. "You know this could all end if you would just tell me where he is ," he says as he comes to a holt. " Burn in hell bitch ," I say and spit blood in his face . He wiped off the blood and laughs. Then he says "Well I plan on you going first so," right before he stabs me in the leg with a shard of glass. Then he pulls it out and goes to sit by the fire. I start to think  what did I ever do to deserve this? I am a above average 13 year old. I have good grades and I try and help mom out as much as I can. Since dad went on a vacation. Why won't mom tell me where he went? Wait what if he... I am suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by the shearing pain in my stomach . I start to scream ear shattering screams. I look down to see chase ripping a knife out of my stomach . Then all I see if thick blood seeping through my shirt. Chase starts to laugh after he looks licks the blood off of the knife. Then stabs it next to my leg to try and scare me. He finally leaves . At least if I am going to die he won't get the satisfaction of watching me . My vision starts to blur and I think  why haven't the guards found me ? Why isn't anyone looking for me? Where is.."  I snap out of my thoughts when I hear foot steps . I need to escape for mom and for dad. I start to rub my legs up against the knife and the rope eventually snaps. Then I cut my hands free ignoring the blood flowing down my skin. I hurry up and grab the knife . Suddenly the moment I have been dreading . The door starts to open and just as I am about to attack i see that it is a group of guards. I am still on edge so I don't put down the knife . " Jess ," one guard questions. "Y-yes," I slur.  " We are here to help you we just need you to put down the knife , please just put it down,"say another guard. I drop the knife and one of the guards comes over. Just as he reaches me I start to see the room spinning. I fall which makes me feel so free and peaceful . Suddenly I feel someone lift me up and I hear them say " I got you just hold on princess," he says " thank you,"then I black out from the blood loss.

"Stop worrying she should wake up soon ," I hear someone say. " I know , I'm just sad ," I hear a familiar voice say. I start trying to open my eyes but I can't . I try and try but it won't work. Finally I try one last time and give all of my power into it and they snap open. I blink a. Few times to adjust to the light. Then I look to my right and see a man. I stare at him then all the memories hit me like a ton of bricks. It is him , the man who ruined my life , the man who abused me for a year of my life. Something snapped inside of me and all I felt was rage and pure anger. I shot up and launched myself at him and wrapped my legs around his throat and started choking him till he couldn't breathe . Then I let go and grabbed a metal pan with needles on it and started bashing him in the face with it . After every hit I saw more blood but also after every hit I felt happier . Finally I realized what was going on and I checked his pulse but there wasn't one . I just killed someone with my bare hands and I don't even feel bad. I look into the pan and see a a girl but it isn't me . It is what I have become a heartless killer. Suddenly I see a guard coming at me I kick his leg out from under him and he falls . Then I kick his leg out from under him. I grab his tazer and put it to his throat . After he gets shocked I take his knife and plunge it into his throat . I stand up and sprint to my mother's room. As I am running I see five guards chasing me . I start pushing my legs harder and harder. Until I get into her room. "Momma," I tell over and over again . I look around but I don't see her. The guards rush in and try to take me but I then realized that my mom had abandoned me . She had given up on her own blood. I feel my heart hardening and getting colder. I turn around and kick a guard in the chess . He hits the wall and I snatch his gun and shot him in the head.  Then I shot the next one in the throat. Then I take the back off the gun and crack a guard in the head and he falls to the ground. I grab my knife from earlier and slit his throat. I slid under the next guards legs and jump on her back and snap her neck . Finally I see the last guard take out his gun . He shots and it hits me in the shoulder. I fall back and act as if I can't move. He comes over to me and tries to pick me up but I head butt him and he falls . I quickly stand up and hold the knife to his face . " Where is she ," I ask cutting him. "Don't you get it kid she left you ," he says smirking. "Your pathetic," he yells. " You are so useless ever your own mom hired someone to kill you," he says . Now I understand why now one found me and why I was taken in the first time . That's it if no one wanted me then they won't have me . I slit his throat and throw him to the ground . " You hear that," I yell to the camera. " You wanted someone else now you have her . A cold hearted , ruthless , damn killed . I hope your happy but just know I will kill each and everyone of you slowly and painfully," I scream and vow to myself.  Next thing I know I am being tazed and I wake up in a cell awaiting my 18th birthday.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2017 ⏰

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