A Sister's Cries

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I want to tell you a story

A story that's so true,

A story of a loved ones life

A story about you.

My precious older sister

Whom I love until the end,

I want you to know I'm here for you

And I'll always be your friend.

My story starts with the two of us

As children hand in hand,

How much I once looked up to you

I don't think you understand.

There's things that we have gone through

That have made us grow up fast,

But I always thought you'd do just fine

Regardless of the past.

I always had so much faith in you

That was so true and strong,

I never in a million years

Thought you would prove me wrong.

The turning point in my story

A story of Crystal-meth,

A drug that you have chosen

In which to play and dance with death.

I remember when the biggest battle

Was the skin upon your knee,

But now each day consists of a battle

On how to get you clean.

Trying time and time again

We've lost this battle with you,

And now everyone is at a loss

About what it is that we can do.

We knew things would be different

The moment that needle touched your vein,

But I don't think you understand

We no longer look at you the same.

The sister I once looked up to

Who was so strong and sweet,

Chose the path of least resistance

And lives life now so incomplete.

Things you have lost track of

And the people you've deceived,

Crying yourself to sleep at night

Thinking of things you once believed.

Forgetting the people around you

That have loved you in your life,

Blaming everything and everyone else

As to why you live each day in strife.

The biggest reason for disappointment

Is your life without your son,

How do you expect me to tell him

Why his mommy has been gone?

Knowing it's a losing battle

To fight and try to get you clean,

You think everyone has given up

But things aren't always as they seem.

Now the end to my story

A story about me,

A story of your sisters cries

And what I fear will come to be.

I don't know why it is you've chosen

To fall a victim to this game,

With no regard for yourself or your life

Each time you put that needle to your vein.

You can't expect me to understand

Why you no longer listen to your heart,

And why you let the drug control you

And rip your life apart.

But I want you to know that everyone's scared

Of all the things you do,

Scared that our biggest fears will come true

And that one day we'll be here without you.

So now that helping you hasn't worked

We just pray that we don't get that call,

That the life of our loved on has run out

And the drug has finally ended it all.

So, Sister, please just hear my cries

Please make my dreams come true,

Believe in yourself and get yourself better

The way you were before your drug abuse.

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