5;) TweEts.

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(Your username is candies fall)


Maxmoefoe (not chef) | @ maxmoefoe
@ candiesfall bought you some underwear you liek?

Maxmoefoe (not chef) | @ maxmoefoe @ candiesfall bought you some underwear you liek?

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Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ maxmoefoe oh my god, did you actually buy that?

MaxMoeFoe (not chef) | @ maxmoefoe
@ candiesfall come into the lounge room

Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ maxmoefoe I'm scared


MaxMoeFoe (not chef) | @ maxmoefoe
@ candiesfall I said I was sorry ;(

Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ maxmoefoe well if you really want to prove that you're sorry you should "JUST DO IT"


The Tarantula | @ idubbbz 
@ candiesfall could you turn down that satanic shit?

Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ idubbbz it's called My Chemical Romance you shithead

The Tarantula | @ idubbbz
@ candiesfall I just hear screaming

Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ idubbbz Heard you and Max screaming last night but I didn't complain

The Tarantula | @ idubbbz
@ idubbbz why the hell did you turn it up?

Castiel | @ candiesfall
@ idubbbz because I believe that if I play it loud enough Gerard Way will notice me

The Tarantula | @ idubbbz
@ candiesfall Dream on angel


Well, you're probably thinking, "EY SAM YA FOLKIN RETARD! WHER IS GEORGE YA CUNT?!"

Well, I'm planning on making a separate chapter. I just wanted to get these two out because I haven't updated in quite awhile.

The next chapter will be fairly long (hopefully to 900/1000 words)

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