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"i'm getting by, but I think of you all the time"


The sound of the elevator signaling it's arrival to my floor woke me out of my sleep; I hated that loud buzz. I groaned as I heard the sound of soft footsteps headed straight for my room. There were only a handful of people that made themselves this comfortable in my apartment to just stroll in, unannounced; one of them was sleeping across the way in the living room.

It was Sunday and I knew my agenda for the day before it had even started. Similar to how I also knew who was sauntering across my room to the empty spot on my bed beside me before she even had to speak.

"Wakey, wakey," I heard her melodic voice say and it immediately made me groan. She brushed the hair out of my face but I kept my eyes shut, unable to fully wake myself for the day. "Sage, get up," she groaned. "You promise we'd go on a run this morning before our shoot."

I sighed, finally opening one of my eyes to see the blonde haired, green-eyed female beside me. Her hair was up in a bun and she was dressed in Adidas running gear; she looked as if she had come straight from a promo shoot, as funny as that sounded. She was grinning since she saw I had opened my eyes but began to pout as soon as I closed them again. When I didn't budge, she began to sigh dramatically, which was my sign to get out of bed.

I rubbed my eyes as I sat up against the bed frame. "What time is it?" I asked, terrified at what the answer might be. The photoshoot wasn't until later today but Halle was a morning person, which I never really understood much. I enjoyed my sleep; if I wasn't sleeping, I was probably in front of a camera.

Running every morning had been a thing of mine back when; it had stopped abruptly a few months back for reasons far too complicated to explain casually to someone. I had hinted on having Halle get me back into the sync of it, but it was much harder said than done.

"Time for you to get your ass up!" She grinned, standing up from my bed and twirled her way over to Ashleigh's room. "Are you coming with, Ms. Ashleigh?" she asked loudly, only to annoy Ashleigh, whom we both know wasn't a morning person.

I had met Halle a little over a month ago at a shoot we had both been booked at. By the end of the work day, we had ended up hitting it off; we found out that both of us had a lot in common - like our taste in music, books, and shows, but we also bonded over the ups and downs of our careers. She had been in the industry far longer than I and was definitely more experienced, in that aspect, but she was never boastful about it.

There was a loud groan from Ashleigh's bed which caused Halle to laugh. She glanced back over at me, shrugging. "Guess it's just us today, Sage," she sang, retreating back to my room. She took it upon herself to start rummaging through my drawers to find my athletic wear. "Did you want to hit up Santa Monica today or explore a little?" she asked, glancing back at me.

I shrugged as I hopped out of bed. Halle had made sure to open the curtains in my room, so it was only a matter of time before Ashleigh would complain and eventually give into the day time. As I walked across the dark carpet, I felt the sun rays warm my feet on the journey to the bathroom.

I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and tied my hair up in a messy bun before I retreated back to my room. On my bed was Nike athletic wear I didn't even know I had. Halle was now kneeling down, rummaging through my closet.

"What are you doing?" I asked, slipping out of my sleep shorts and pulling on the leggings she had picked out.

She glanced back at me quickly before turning her attention back to the closet. "Your sneakers. Where are they?"

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