Chapter Three

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I stayed inside the next day. I let my parents abuse me with some new words last night.


These new, but familiar words repeated on my mind. Everyday, every hour, every minute. I sat myself on the edge of my window, watching each car drive by. I wanted to jump. Real bad.

"Nice punch." A familiar voice laughed from across my window.

I looked to the left and saw Daryl sitting where I first saw him, in the tree.

"Why aren't you at school?" I asked, curiously.

"Suspended. Punched a guy." Daryl laughed again.

"What for?" I replied. I'm interested now.

"He was making fun of you from 'esterday, so I wanted to punch 'em." He said seriously.

"You punched a guy for me?" I blush.

He nods, smiling. I smile back, happily. He was the first person to ever do something for me.

"Oi, you wanna sneak out back? I have a crossbow in the shed." He smirks.

"Um hell yeah." I laugh, running out of my room, quietly sneaking down stairs, and out the back.

I jump the fence into Daryl's yard, meeting him near his shed. He grabbed two crossbows out for him and I.

"Here, you're gonna need one." He gives me that devilish smirk once more.  

I take the crossbow from him and he smiles. We head out back towards the forest, I forgot to mention, we have a lot of trees... so, more fun to be around I guess.

I follow him the whole way until we find a deer, watching it's surroundings, I lower the crossbow. It was such a beautiful scene... the deer, and the forest. Daryl eventually did the same, looks like he didn't want to kill it either.

"Daryl, what are we?" I ask, intrigued.

He stares at me for a while, turning his attention to the deer, then back to me.

"We're friends. Best friends. I hope it stays that way for a while. I'll always be here for you." Daryl replies, smirking.

I smile back, letting him know I appreciate that, a lot. We walk back, both crossbows in our hands, jumping the fence and back into the yards of our homes, I return the crossbow to Daryl.

"Nah, keep it. I want 'chu to have it." He reassures me.

"Thanks, Daryl." I say, punching his arm a little.

He laughed and returns inside to his home. As I do the same, stashing the weapon away downstairs. I try my best to sneakily make my way to my room, having that turn to a complete fail.

My wrist was yanked and I fell down the stairs, causing bruises to start forming all over my legs. My vision was quite blurry, but I still managed to make out the figure. My mum.

"Why did you sneak out with that fuckwit?!" She spat.

"He's my friend." I whisper. Afraid, she could kill me at any moment if she wanted to... if she could. I looked her in the eyes.

"I don't care if he's your friend, you stay away from him, and I mean it." She threatens.

"And I mean this, you can't tell me who I can and can't hang out with, he's my only friend here, so I will continue to hang with him, whether you like it or not." I spat back.

I pick myself up, and dashed to my room before locking the door and pushing my closet in front of it.

I look out the window and see Daryl getting hit over, and over... I cover my mouth, I didn't want to say anything. It's a bad idea to get yourself involved in someone else's life problems.

I force myself away from the window, acting as if I never saw what happened. So he deals what I deal with? Abuse... no wonder we bonded so quickly as friends.

I hope our friendship doesn't... end.

Fear the Living. Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin