Chapter 5

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Once Yoongi got out of school, narrowing escaping the clutches of Taehyung and Jeongguk, he scoured the east part of town to try and find the junkyard that Chained used as a base. It took over an hour, as Yoongi had no idea where in the east the junkyard was, but as he slowly crept towards the fence, he could hear loud voices shouting and laughing. When Yoongi peeked through a crack in the fence, he could see a large group of teens, all wearing hoods or masks to obscure their faces, sitting around the junkyard on mismatched, dirty chairs and couches, talking loudly. They really weren't doing anything dangerous or unlawful.

"What's so bad about these gangs?" Yoongi asked the Boss as he scanned the files, "They really don't do much."

"That's what they want you to think. Sanguine has some of the best hitmen and assassins for hire and Chained is linked to one of the capital's biggest mafias, the Kims, so much that it is basically a small sect of the mafia that's run by teenagers. If their leaders are compromised, we'll have an advantage for our hitmen, getting them hired more, and damage the Kims. All good things for our company," the Boss replied.

It was times like these when Yoongi began to question whether or not the agency was as good as they say it was. The agency had too many connections to mafias to be an agency with a purely good intentions But he would never voice his concerns, as he was paid well and wouldn't want to get on the bad side of the Boss.

So Yoongi was rather confused, wondering why the gang wasn't doing anything related to the Kim mafia, instead, chilling like normal teenagers.After about an hour of absolutely nothing going on, Yoongi left to check out the underground club on the other side of town. Of course, he knew he wouldn't be let in in a school uniform, so he stopped by home to change.

He was grateful that his mother had gone above and beyond when buying him clothes, changing into a red spaghetti strap dress, a black jacket, and heels. When Yoongi thought back to when Jiae taught him how to wear heels, he shuddered, remembering how painful it was, but was happy that he could actually walk in heels.

After putting on some makeup, which he hated more than anything in the world, Yoongi left to go to the club. Unlike when he had to search for the junkyard, Yoongi was able to get the location of the club from one of his classmates. There was a small line waiting to enter the club, with a huge bouncer standing by the door. Yoongi took a deep breath, swallowed his pride, and wandered over to the bouncer. Somehow, he was able to convince him to let Yoongi in, and he stepped into the club.

There was a large stage on one side of the club, and a bar on the opposite side. A large crowd of people, ranging from teens to adults, were dancing in front of the stage, where a DJ was blasting hip hop. Other people were scattered across the club, sitting at the bar or talking near the walls. Yoongi carefully walked around, keeping an eye out for anything relating to Sanguine.

"Listen up, people! Everyone's favorite dancer and rapper is here to perform. Put your hands together for J-Hope!" The DJ shouted, and the crowd erupted into screams and cheers.

Two young men sauntered onstage, faces obstructed by sunglasses, hats, and masks. A song started to play, with a good beat and heavy bass, and the shorter of the two, who had to be J-Hope from the screams of the crowd, started to rap. Now, Yoongi was a big fan of hip hop, and he could admit that the rapper was good. He had an interesting way of rapping, as he rapped in a more playful tone. When J-Hope started to dance, Yoongi was blown away by the way he could move his body. Yoongi couldn't keep his eyes off of the stage.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see a woman with the rose symbol of Sanguine on their jacket, and, with a heavy heart, stopped watching J-Hope's performance to follow the Sanguine member outside the back of the club. The woman walked over to another man with the Sanguine symbol tattooed on his arm, and Yoongi stepped closer, hiding in the shadows to listen in.

"What's the news about the fight against Chained?" the man said, and the woman sighed.

"It's gonna be this Saturday night, on their turf, at 10. Not sure why Jay even agreed, we always get fucked up during brawls," the woman replied in an annoyed tone.

The man scoffed, shifting from foot to foot, "You're right. We're better in the shadows, but Jay can't stand getting insulted by Phantom. He musta provoked him into agreeing."

"If the police or agents catch us, we're gonna be even more fucked. I'll hit you up if I get more info," as the woman said this, Yoongi slowly snuck away, back into the club, happy that he had a new lead to finding out more about the gang and their leaders.

Much to his displeasure, J-Hope was no longer performing, rather, another dancer was onstage. The dancer was just as good as J-Hope, but his dancing as a lot more sexual instead of the hip-hop style J-Hope had performed in. Yoongi found that the enjoyed this dancer as well, being disappointed when he left the stage.

"And that was Mochi, the new member of Red Crew! I don't know about all of you, but I can't wait to see more of his dancing!' The DJ yelled out.

Yoongi realized how late it was and started to head home, as he had school the next day and didn't want to worry his mom. However, he wanted to return to the club soon, but knew it wasn't just because of it's links to Sanguine, but because of the dancers and rappers that performed there. And Yoongi thought that things wouldn't get more complicated than how his classmates acted.

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