Chapter 25

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"SO YOU ACTUALLY TOOK TIME OFF?" Cynthia leaned into the corner of the couch with her legs tucked beneath her.

"And that's hard to believe?" Madison took a sip of her wine. If Cynthia wanted to look at the situation as her simply taking some time, so be it. She didn't need to know everything.

"Coming from you, yes, it is."

"Maybe it's time to change who I am."

"Now it sounds like you're pouting." Cynthia pressed her lips together.

"I was backed into a corner. And I am a little burnt-out lately."

"But that's the state you thrive in."

Cynthia's eyes met hers. Madison told her how events had played out, and the real reason she ended up with time off—pride.

"Okay, it makes more sense now." A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth. "To prove a point."

"To prove a point?" She did her best to deny how close her friend was to the truth.

"Yeah. The Madison I know always has to prove a point, be the one to have the last—"

"You think you know me so well." Madison considered denying the allegation, but the words melted on her tongue. She had to admit Cynthia did know her, perhaps better than she knew herself.

Cynthia smiled at her. "Your eyes give you away. Even your stubborn nature can't refute it." She emptied her wine glass and placed it on the coffee table. "But there are some things I don't know."

Madison didn't like the look in her friend's eyes. "I don't want to ask."

"Well, there is one thing I'm dying to know, and every time I bring it up, you clam right up or find a way of changing the subject." Madison started to speak, but Cynthia held up her hand. "Toby Sovereign. What is the deal with you two?"

Madison rolled her eyes, and a small laugh enveloped her. Their relationship had been over long before she knew Cynthia. "You've got to be kidding me." She lifted her wine glass, a fish bowl, nearly empty from its second refill. She swirled it, took a draw. "Still haven't had enough."

"Come on."

"Begging doesn't suit you, Cyn." She smiled at her friend, her eyes drifting to the television where An Affair to Remember played at a low volume. Both women had been talking so much, it had mostly served as background noise. Madison referred to Cary Grant. "Can you believe Terry was named after him? A Casanova?" They shared a laugh, but Madison sighed with relief that the subject was redirected.

Looking back to the screen, Nickie Ferrante was desperately appealing to Terry McKay, working his charm and trying to make her forget her fiancée in a moment of weakness. The whole appeal of a playboy using his charisma to manipulate a woman—how is it some couldn't see through it? Maybe it was the alcohol, but Madison's heart skipped a beat.

"So that's where his nickname came from?" Cynthia laughed.

"Yep. His mom was a Cary Grant fan, but his dad refused to let his son be called Cary. Said people would confuse it with a girl's name. Not that Terry is that much better."

"That's hilarious. But I guess Terry must have had the Casanova effect on his wife."

"At least at one time." The words blurted out. Madison hurried to get up, hoping it would distract Cynthia from picking up on the negativity in her voice. "Refill?" And if the movement wouldn't serve to be enough, the offer to bury her comment under an opportunity to indulge might. "Cigarette?" Generally she discouraged her friend's habit but whatever worked to change the subject again.

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