chapter 3

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Sinbad's (pov)

Ok what's the test I asked well she said you have to catch me in my tiger form and turned into the tiger I saw earlier and then the room started to Chang in to a jungle and I lost site of (y/n) (you come up with how Sinbad catches (y/n) not because I'm lazy I just want you to use your imagination) 
(Y/n) pov

He caught me he actually was able to catch me out standing I guess you are worthy to be my master but there is one thing you need to know I don't go into something like the other Dijon do I stay out and make shur you are safe ok I said ok Sinbad said and then we left the Dungeon but I knew the journey was just begging.

Ok I'm not good at this so if it sucks sorry well see y'all

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