Photos hold a million words

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I look around and smile at my surroundings. I look at the people around me and shake my head at how they all just pass life by without looking around and seeing all these beautiful things. I see a beautiful patch of roses and only one is blooming. I grab my camera quickly and take one photo and go and look at it and realize it was a little blurry. When I go to take the picture again the rose is gone. I look up and see Jin, of all people pulling their petals off one by one. I stand there and set my mouth tight into a frown. He finally looks up and sees' me. He smiles at me and drops the stem. I growl and stomp my way back to class. I take another look at my photo and groan softly. I turn off my camera and look at the time on my phone. I smile and realize I only have fifteen more minutes. My phone starts ringing and I look at the phone number and groan. I decline the phone call from the wretched witch herself, my biological mother. I put my phone back in my pocket and lay my head down and wait for the bell to ring. I hear someone walk in behind me and pull the chair back out in beside me. I bury my face in my arms and fall asleep. When I wake up the bell just begins to ring and I run to my next class, Study Hall. I smile and sink in at the library, my favorite place and also my job. I go and grab my favorite book, "Perfect Addiction." I smile and re-read it until the end of class. I walk to my math class very slowly. I groan when I get there and walk in. As soon as I walk in, I see my worst nemesis, Becka. The most popular girl in my old high school. She always likes to make fun of me. I used to think she would grow out of this in high school and then I realized all that bleach has fried all of her brain cells. I was surprised she even got into college considering she can't even make a choice without a man. I take my usual seat in the back and stick in my headphones. I sigh and look outside the window and look at the clouds. Watching the clouds always calms me. I watch them cover the sun and then turn gray and then ten minutes later, it starts to rain. I watch the rain hit the window and listen to the pitter patter as each on hits the window. I turn waiting for the professor. I look down at my watch and realize that the professor is late. When I stood up and begin to gather my things the door opens and Jin walks in. I shake my head and go to packing up my things. All of a sudden the professor, Mr. Wilkins, walks in and declares he is here and conducting class. I put my stuff down and sit back down. I watch Jin as he carefully picks out his seat. He look at the seat beside me and I pulled my pencils and stuff out and set them down waiting for the professor to start his lecture. Jin starts walking to me and I continue looking straight and then he sits right beside Becka and starts talking to her. I shrug my shoulders gently and start writing as the professor starts his lecture. When he is done, I look up and realize Becka and Jin are gone. I stand up and gather my things and head towards old blue. I throw my things in the back and start up my car. I pull up to my apartment building and sigh and lay my head against the steering wheel. I finally sit up and grab my things from the back of the car and open my doors and close them and I lock all of my doors. I walk into the building and I see Jin. He's sitting in front of his door and he is completely soaked. I unlock my door and then I look at him and ask him, "Are you locked out?" . He looks up at me with his deep grey eyes and shakes his head yes. I nod and pull out my wallet. I look at him and say, "This is the only time I am doing this for you and also can you not bang so loud in the mornings it scares the shit out of me." He sits there and and looks at me and then he finally says, "Yeah sorry about that. I grab one of my old grocery shopping cards and slide it in the door and unlock the door." He looks at me and nods his thanks and goes inside. I say, "You're welcome." I walk over to my apartment and go inside and close the door. I throw my keys onto the counter and throw my shoes beside my couch and walk to my bedroom to set my things down and go into the kitchen and I throw on a kettle of my favorite, peppermint tea. I turn on my television and turn it onto the news and listens about how many things are going wrong in the world and then I hear the kettle whistle. I smile and pour me a cup. I walk back to the couch and turn it on the rap channel.  I go into my room and grab my things and start to look over my notes and slurp my tea.

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