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                        September 15, 2039
     Walk quickly and quietly through the hallways. Do not let anyone see you, especially not Mrs. Ames. That woman is a witch. Those happy nice kids that you think understand you? Do not look at them either. Rule one: the nicer someone is to you, the more sinister their intentions are. Just get to your class as quick as possible without any distractions. There are so many unspoken rules at the academy: ones that I am fully aware of. This is my last year at Orion Academy, so I should know. When my mom said I had to document my last year for my unborn sibling, I thought she was crazy. Now I'm pretty sure that I am the insane one. On the other hand, everyone here is crazy. Orion is not exactly the typical school. This is where all the kids whose parents think they are convicted criminals  are sent to. The rumors say that students here can hardly walk into a room without thinking of ten different ways to unlock the money safe that was supposedly hidden in the corner, or creating a shiv out of the cafeteria's spoon. Not that some students wouldn't do that, but for the majority of us that's bull crap. Anyways, not that I don't like writing notes to a fetus, but I've gotta get to school. The bus calls.
      Good luck,
Cora Darlington

      As I walk cautiously into the halls of Orion Academy, I notice people staring and whispering about me. While it does not surprise me, it  scares me. My sister had gone here years before I was born, and even with her stellar reputation over my head, I am still the headmaster's son. The "privileged" child of the brutal snake-eyed man who threw a student into the Mascior River because she forgot to write her name on her paper. I hardly doubt how having a monster for a dad is a privilege. Especially with what he did to Corystalia. Mom's not any better; she was the one who ratted on Cora in the first place. Everyone in the school knows that of course. I can see it on their faces when I walk past them. Disgust? Fear? Probably a mixture of both. They parted as I made my way through the hallways, as if they were some kind screwed up kingdom, with me as their king. Not looking behind me, I walked faster through the halls, getting to my first class.
      Because my father is the headmaster, I have never had problems finding where I need to go. I have been around these halls since I was a toddler, and most of the people around here recognize my face. Considering the way they have been looking at me, I'm pretty obvious. Either way, dad made it completely recognizable that I am his son. Unlike most of the students, who have the standard uniforms-- white button down shirts with green vests and trousers, I have a black vest, with a pin of a green mockingbird on it-- the school's mascot. I guess I am obvious.

      "Freshie? Class 79B is where you are headed. Mistress Ames is brutal, so be careful. Why they would choose her to teach first years, I really have no clue." I whip around, surprised that someone had even came up to me, let alone address me. "Relax, kid. I won't bite." The boy, a tall, broad shouldered brunette, gives me a smirk and a pat on the back.
     "Who are you?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously. Corystalia taught me to never trust anyone that goes to this place. The nicer they are, the more sinister their intentions. He laughs, circling me like a hawk. As he moves, another boy, closer to my age, is visible from behind him, a cup of coffee in his hands. The other students in the hall whisper around us, eyes wide.
      "I'm Caeruleus Wyvern, but you can call me Blue." I gawked at him, and he gives me a wide, crooked grin. As many smiles as he has given me so far, none of them seem particularly friendly, and he keeps circling me as if I was his prey.
     "Why Blue? Is that like, a childhood nickname or something?"
     "Sorta. My name is Caeruleus, remember? It's technically a blue-like color that botanists use when describing flowers. Are your parents not botanists? Yeesh! Let me guess, you come from a family of nobodies. What is your name, anyways, kid?"
     "Not everyone's parents are botanists!" I argue, utterly confused. What is he talking about? "And my name is Septimus Darlington. My father is Headmaster Darlington. Not a botanist."
     "I know."
     "Then why the hell are you talking to me? Why is no one else talking to me? I am the son of the headmaster after all. This is ridiculous."
      "Because I'm bored and you have a bright red target over your pretty little head." The other male smirks,  walking around me. I step back, unsure of what to do. Blue gives the boy behind him a pat on the head. I turn to try and get a better look at him, but he quickly disappears behind Blue as quick as possible.
      "What's his deal?" I snort. "Too afraid to talk to me?" A sudden flame sparks in his eyes, and Blue gives out a small snarl. Jackpot-- I've found his weak point.
       "What's your deal? Are you the captain of the gay society?" He asks, eyeing my hummingbird pin.
         "No, but your friend must be, considering he's been hiding behind your back all day." I say with a confident smirk. The people around us give out a chorus of oohs, and Blue grabs me by the neck.
       "Maybe your father is the headmaster. But this is my school, got it kid?" Unable to speak, I nod, paralyzed in fear. The boy who was standing behind him does not seem fazed by Blue's sudden outburst. He just stands there, still holding his coffee while Blue let go of me.
     Blue grins to me, turning. "Good luck in your first class. You will need it. C'mon, Li." The boy gives Blue the coffee, and they walk back towards their classes. Standing in the same place, I shakily turn in the direction of my class.
      This was going to be a rough year. Still, I could not take my mind off what had happened. Blue-- and that kid he was talking to-- would probably be the least of my worries I just wish I could have been able to actually stand up for myself. This whole new school is confusing. I had found Cora's last year journal that mother had forced her to write, and at least she gave me some tips. Orion has changed since she was a kid though. Now, she's twenty eight years old, and who knows whether she is still alive.

      After regaining my breath (and my pride), I walk to class. The classroom is huge, packed full of first year students. The teacher, Mistress Ames, looks around at everyone, scanning the room for something in particular. I do not know what she is looking for, but I hoped to God it is not me. Cora has told me horror stories about Mistress Ames; she literally whips her students into shape, and has no sympathy. Orion is not the most forgiving of places.
     "Everyone, sit. I have your assigned dormitories and roommates. If you have any problem with your arrangements, tell me." She cackles, eyes full of hatred. "Just kidding. Deal with your roommates. You're going to be with them for four years. I would honestly suggest not killing your roommates." The class, dead silent, gives her a small nod. "Anywho," she continues, "I'm Lynthrecia Ames, but you will call me Mistress Ames.  When I call your name, please come up here and grab keys to your room. There will be two, of course, and only two. I suggest you become well acquainted with your roommates, because if you lose a key, you're not getting another one."
     When she starts calling out names, I look around anxiously at everyone in the room, trying to spot people I don't want be roomed with-- not that I have much of a choice though, either way. Everyone in here seems either crazy or evil-- and maybe both.
     "Septumus Darlington and Claude Lefarius." The woman says in her monotonous voice. Walking to the front of the classroom, I try to see where Claude is. Ironically, the boy was the one person in the class I did not see when looking through the groups of people, but for a good reason. Claude is the smallest kid in the class, with a dull sandy-brown shade of hair that matches the painted walls of the school halls. How he got into this dump, I really don't know. Cora told me that Orion is a school for the survival of the fittest, and Claude could not possibly be a "criminal" sent here for reformatory. Shrugging, I start walk down the halls, trying to find my dorm room.
     "Hey-- Darlington!" I hear my name called by someone-- their voice sounding feminine, right as I started to walk out. Whipping around in curiosity, I adjust my tie before walking back towards the girl, but my face turns bright red. That was not a girl-- the voice belonged to the sandy haired male that was going to be my roommate. "I might need a key if I want to get into my room." I nod.
      "Sorry." I  say under my breath. He grumbles a bit, but I give him the key, and head towards my dorm room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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