❤Arthur Kirkland❤ - Irresistible

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    Arthur Kirkland, the extraordinary ex-pirate, had no plans of falling in love. That is, until he met a certain human girl. She captivated him from the moment his eyes landed on her. The way she had moved while getting his order and the way she smiled largely when she saw him off, all of it had spiked his interests. 

    He didn't expect it to completely consume him. 

    Arthur stepped into the small cafe for the second time that week. Pulling his wool hat off of his head, he knocked off the snow. He had no tolerance for the snow or the cold it brought with it. He longed for the summer to return. 

    "Good Morning, Arthur, always nice to see you!" You jumped out of your hiding, your infamous large grin plastered on your face. Arthur returned the smile, his heart beat quickening at the sight of you. He didn't miss the worried look in your eyes as you scanned his figure. 

    "Good morning, ____." He inclined his head slightly in her direction. "How have you been?" 

    "Oh, I have been good! Great, actually! I found myself a place to live all by myself, so no nagging mother for me anymore!" You chattered lively, momentarily forgetting his disheveled state. You enjoyed conversations with Arthur more than anything. You considered him a friend despite hardly ever seeing him outside of work. Not to mention he was quite a lovely sight for the eyes. 

    "Oh, really? That's wonderful. Will you be alright on your own?" Arthur couldn't keep the worry out of his tone. ____ was barely twenty and was a popular target for men. He hated to admit it but men now-a-days were far from gentlemen. It made his stomach twist in disdain. 

    "Oh, I hope so. It's such a lovely place, it would be a shame if I couldn't." You sighed in disappointment as you reached his usual table. "Well, here we are! I am assuming you want the regular?" 

    "Yes, that will be fine." Arthur frowned slightly at his own disappointment. He wished the two of you could have spoken longer. He watched as you disappeared into the kitchen. His eyes lingered on the spot as he thought of the way your hips swayed just perfectly when you walked. He sighed, running his fingers through his messy locks of hair. 

    His state that day was depressing but Arthur couldn't bring himself to care. For most of the week he had been mulling over what to do about the increasing pollution problem. Not to mention he was worried for Alfred's country's well-being. Just recently its government had shut down. 

    "Here you go!" Arthur was forced out of his thoughts as a piping hot coffee and scone were placed in front of him. Looking up, his emerald eyes were blessed with the sight of your bright smiling face. His cheeks warmed as his eyes met yours. 

    "U-Uh, thank you." He cleared his throat, quickly reaching to take a sip of his coffee to distract his increasing lewd thoughts. He gasped as the burning hot liquid came in contact with his tongue. You giggled, your hand over your mouth in attempt to muffle it. 

    "Be careful now, it's hot!" You giggled even more at his reddening cheeks. God, he was so cute. Your giggles died down as you wiped the tears away from your eyes. 

    "Arthur, I have something to ask you." Arthur forgot the throbbing pain in his tongue as he heard those words. He quirked an eyebrow in your direction. You cleared your throat, hugging the serving tray closer to your chest. 

    "Do you think you could come over to my flat for dinner Friday? I-I mean, if you are free." You stammered, looking down at the floor in embarrassment. You were stupid to even ask such an abstract question! 

    "I would love to." Arthur answered almost to quickly. Clearing his throat, he continued. "It would be an honour to dine with you." Excitement buzzed all throughout your body. 

    "Great! Here, let me write down my address." You grabbed a pen and your order pad. Ripping off a clean sheet, you quickly scrawled down your flat number onto the sheet. After checking that you got it down correctly, you handed it to him.  

    "I shall see you Friday night." 

    "Yeah, you too!" 


    "Oh man, I'm stuffed!" You moaned as you plopped down onto your newly bought couch. The smooth, cream colored fabric felt cool against your bare calves as you curled you legs slightly. Arthur sat next to you, sipping at his wine. 

    Dinner had been a  success. You had cooked a wonderful three course meal that tasted even better than Francis' cooking. To Arthur, anyways, but he was truly tasteless when it came to food. You personally had enjoyed Arthur's presence the most out of the whole night. He was really the gentleman. 

    "It was an excellent meal. I hope I can enjoy more of your cooking, ____." Pride gleamed in your (e/c) eyes at his praising words. You had really worked you butt off preparing the meal. 

    "Well, you are welcome over for a meal anytime! I don't mind cooking for you!" You said cheerily, smiling widely. Arthur looked at you, his heart acting up at your bright smile. Setting his wineglass on the table, he scooted closer to you. 

    You shivered as his cool fingers brushed a strand of hair hair behind your ear. You watched him as his enticing eyes traced over ever visible structure of your face. Slowly, his thumb trailed over your cheek bone. 

    Arthur felt himself being torn apart as he sat there, stroking your face. He knew how dangerous it was to fall for a human but he wanted you to be his so badly. He wanted to be the one you loved and cared for, but fate wouldn't allow him to keep you forever. You would die of old age just like every human. 

    "Arthur? Are you alright?" You whispered, your own hand reaching up to crease his face lightly. The old nation blinked as he realized the tears stinging his eyes. He took in a shaky breath as he willed the thoughts of the future from his mind. 

    "____, may I kiss you?" You blinked, surprised at his sudden proposal. Slowly, you nodded. You waited with baited breath for his lips to touch yours. Arthur ignored the internal conflict raging in him as he leaned forward. 

    His lips tasted of wine and steak. You moved closer to him, enjoying the feeling off his warm lips. You don't know how long you waited for this moment but it felt like forever. Arthur's hand that wasn't on your face rested on your hip as the chaste kiss deepened. 

    He knew he was making a mistake by showing his feelings for you but he didn't care. He needed to feel you against him, to know you felt the same. Arthur was selfish, he knew that much. He was robbing you from a normal life without you even knowing. It was ungentlemanly of him.

    You were just too irresistible to ignore. 

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