❤Matthew Williams❤ - Tragedy

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WARNING: Very heavy angst at the end and sort of OOC Canada

    Matthew Williams was a quiet man who enjoyed spending his time alone with his only friend, Kumajiro. Although, he didn't always remember the bear's name (and vice versa) the two were always together. Matthew was thankful for Kumajiro. Without him, Matthew would be completely and utterly alone. He never wanted to be alone. 

    The two of you met by chance. You had been walking home after a long day of working at your parents' cafe when you stumbled across a depressed Mathew sitting on a bench, his back slouched in defeat. Taking pity on the man, you ignored your fatigue and slipped into the spot next to him. 

    "Are you okay?" The Canadian man jumped in surprise, his eyes wide when he realized you were talking to him. Holding his polar bear tighter, he stammered out a reply. 

    "I-I'm fi-fine! J-Just a little tired." Matthew forced a smile to his face. You looked at him skeptically. Even though he was smiling, his violet eyes told something totally different. They seemed to scream for attention. 

    "C'mon, you can confide in me. I might be a stranger but I won't spread any rumors. I mean, you don't even have to tell me your name!" You attempted to persuade him. Matthew bit his lip, contemplating the idea. She didn't know you or any of the other nations, so what did he have to fear? Besides, he needed to get his worries off of his chest. 

    "It's pretty long." Matthew said slowly. Half of him hoped that would convince the girl to leave him be in his own self pity, but the other half of him hoped for her to stay and listen to him. 

    "I am in no rush." You said, shifting into a more comfortable position on the bench. Matthew sighed. He should have been elated that someone finally noticed him but instead he felt oddly annoyed. Why was this girl being so nosy? 

    "It's really none of your business." He attempted to say it in a rude tone but his soft voice ruined it. You blinked, frowning. He had a point, it was really none of your business. Letting out a soft sigh, you reached into your coat pocket to retrieve a piece of paper in pen. Quickly, you scribbled the digits to your cellphone on the paper. Standing, you held it out to him. 

    "You're right, I am sorry for being pushy. How about you just call me when you are ready to confide your woes in me, or if you just want to talk or something. I will always answer." Slowly, almost robotically, Canada grabbed the piece of paper. As he did so, your fingers brushed against each other's. You both blushed, looking away.  "I have to go. Ciao!"

    "I, uh, will." His soft voice failed to reach your ears as you walked away, shivering against the cold wind. Looking down, Matthew's violet eyes scanned over each individual number. A weird feeling bubble up in him as he stared at the cellphone number. 

    Suddenly, guilt hit Matthew in full force. He had been unfairly rude to a stranger who was trying to help him feel better even though she had no idea of who he was. Feeling ashamed, the young man buried his nose in his only friend's fur. He had been an idiot. 


    "H-Hello?" Matthew clutched the phone tightly, his whole body trembling in his anxiety.  What if she had forgotten the offer? He wouldn't be surprised. No one seemed to ever remember him. Even Carlos forgot him at times. 

    "Hello? Who is this?" Hearing your voice caused a shudder to run up the shy nation's spine. Holding Kumajiro in a tighter grip, he answered shakily. 

    "Ah, uh, th-this is Ma-Matt- oh no, I-I mean, uh," Matthew wanted to strangle himself. His stuttering was probably freaking her out! 

    "Oh, it's you! I figured you had forgotten about me. I wouldn't have been surprised." Your laugh somehow soothed him a bit. Enough to continue talking without a horrible stutter, anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2014 ⏰

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