i m p o s s i b l e

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» synopsis «

in which a man resigned to lachrymose lamentations travels to Crośes, in a feat to run away from his past with hope his existence would be fleeting and ephemeral, only to find his tainted past awaiting him along with his beloved Juliet

» note «

please do take note that Crośes is not an actual town but instead a figment of my imagination. so is this whole story.

prior to that, this is MY story so don't attempt to plagiarise this story because your soul ain't going to be safe once i find out and pull a Gordon Ramsey on you.

thus, should any of you find a random asshole who decided to "oh hey this is a good story! let's copy and paste this story and publish it on another platform!", please kindly inform me. thank you.

» time line«

started on [26/8/16]

originally published on [14/10/16]

re published on [22 May 2017]

Ended on [ / / ]

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