The call to the Valentine's day ball

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I always loved the Valentine's day ball my parent's hosted but now something is missing or someone. But for some reason I have been feeling lonely lately. I am still going to that ball no matter what. So I grabbed my clothes and start walking to to bathroom. As I was walking I heard my phone go off. I get it out of my pocket and check it. Why is Vladimir texting me it's like 12 in the afternoon.

V: Hi Amelia

Amy: Vladimir what are you doing up the sun doesn't go down for a while now.

V: Amelia different time zones dear.

Amy: oh yeah what time is it over there.

V: Since I'm heading to bed now it's six o'clock pm.

Amy: Oh right I forgot so your reason for texting me.

V: Right well you know how Alice and Francis are doing their Valentine's day ball tonight.

Amy: Yeah what about it?

V: I was wondering if you would like to be my date for tonight.

Amy: Sure what can one little date do to our friendship.

V: Yeah so see you then?

Amy: Yeah I'm packing right now so bye.

V: Bye.

I stopped texting Vladimir and grab my suitcase hopefully the boys don't notice I'm gone. So I pack my bag and Cherry and walk out the door to my car. I get into my car and start driving to my magic house in the woods.

When I got their I cast the spell and teleported to mom and papa's house. I knocked on the door.  I waited for a minute until mom opened the door. " Amelia dear welcome home." Mom said welcoming me back to England. " Thanks mom so where's papa?" I asked wondering where Francis is. " In the backyard setting up the spotlight." Mom said letting me inside the house. Then we went to the backyard.

When we got to the backyard I saw papa setting up the spotlight near the Dj booth. " Hi papa." I said trying to get his attention. "  Bonjur Amelia my little girl." Papa said happy to see me. " Careful Francis your now as young country wise as you think you are." Mom said knowing that their older now.  She my act like she doesn't love pap but us kids know better because four hundred years being with these two and you know they are going to make up by lunch at world meetings and when you get back to the hotel. " Don't worry Alice mon cher I'll be fine." Papa said finishing up on the spotlight.

Then he swung down from the light holder and landed on his feet. " Francis what did I say and were not in our pirate years dear." Mom said knowing that I know about that. " I know but it's still fun." Dad said knowing about her worries. " Okay just don't hurt yourself please." Mom said wanting papa to listen to her. " Okay I will not get hurt." Papa said promising mom that he won't get hurt. " Now let's go show Amelia to her room." Mom said excited to show me my room that I haven't been in for two centuries.

When we got to my room I saw how much mom improved it over the centuries. " Mom this looks beautiful how long did it take you guys to do this?" I asked wondering how they did this. " It took us ten years to get it this way and it's beautiful as ever so tell me Amelia how is D.C doing." Mom asked wondering how her only grandchild is doing. Yes I know I should tell her about the rest but I'm not going to. " She's good but she might be getting a father soon." I said knowing what Vladimir meant by being his date.

Then mom got excited and hugged me. " Oh Amelia this is wonderful D.C will be so happy that your seeing someone again so tell me who it is." Mom said sitting me down on my bed. " Before I came I got a text from Vladimir and he wants me to be his date for tonight." I said blushing as I thought back to that part of the day. " So he asked you to be his date but you have had a crush on him for so long." Mom said seeing nothing wrong with it. " Yeah I have but what do I do I said yes and what if I mess up slow dancing." I said wondering what to do. " You won't mess up you were taught by me and Anneliese okay." Mom said not wanting me to doubt myself. " Okay um well you call me down when he gets here I want to talk to him without you guys in the room." I said hoping everything goes well. " I will get your rest it seems like the jet lag is starting to kick in." Mom said walking out of the room. " Okay." I said getting under the covers. Then I laid down and fell asleep.

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