I wish - Lirry One Shot

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The boys were at one of Danielle’s parties, celebrating the win their first Brit award ever. It was something they were highly proud of and was something they really should be allowed to celebrate before the hectic US tour would start.

Liam watched Harry from across the room. He was surrounded by five blonde bimbos. Okay, so he shouldn’t call their fans that. But he should be allowed to say mean things about people who were flirting with the love of his life. As sappy as that may sound, it really was true to Liam.


Just the presence of the curly haired lad could make Liam’s mood a hundred times better. Every time Harry beamed at Liam, he forgot how to breathe. Every small touch, even the brush of hands, made Liam go weak in the knees.

So yes, Liam was royally fucked. Somewhere betweenloving your best friend and wanting to get in his pants, fucked.

Liam leaned against the wall, nursing the only drink he was having tonight. Having only one kidney could have its downsides, but he wasn’t much of a drinker anyway so it didn’t really make a difference

“Liam, you should tell him already…” He heard Danielle whisper in his ear, but he found it more interesting to glare daggers at the blondes.  “It kills me to see you like this!” she added a little louder.

“Yeah, right, I’ll do that when Niall stops to eat at Nandos.” he said, but kept his gaze on the curly mop of hair.

The alcohol was supposed to make him relax, but it really wasn’t lifting up his mood. He turned his glare toward the almost empty cup in his hands. Like everything happening to him was the cup’s fault.

He just wanted to go home, lock himself in his apartment and listen to depressing music. Maybe he would even eat chocolate just to rival every heart-broken fifteen year old girl. Oh, and he would watch ‘The Notebook’, just to get more depressed.

“Liam!” He heard Danielle yell. He snapped his head from his cup towards her. “What?!” he hissed and looked around to see that a few people were giving them curious glances. Some were full-out starting at them, waiting to see if there was some drama between the couple “Rude-ass people,” he muttered, so low that only he heard it.

When hazel brown met curious green, he could have sworn his breath hitched.

“Sorry,” He heard Danielle say, almost whispering. “You were lost in your thoughts again. I tried to call your name and get your attention like ten times.”

Liam broke is gaze from Harry and looked at her. He loved Danielle, he really did, just not in a romantic way. Liam knew he should appreciate Danielle more; after all. What she was doing for him was more than he could ever ask for. Pretending to be his girlfriend, being his beard, was not something every girl was willing to do.

“You have to tell him sooner or later! You can’t keep this up, Liam! I can’t pretend to be your girlfriend forever.” She sighed. Liam looked down at the slightly shorter girl guiltily.

He really felt bad about making her do it. This was, after all, affecting her love life too. Liam knew he was being bloody selfish, but he just wasn’t ready to come out yet.

I wish - Lirry One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now