(1) So When Did Weird Become Cute??

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Okay, so this is my second attempt at writing a story I guess. My first one, which I'm not sure if I'm going to continue, was kinda based on my life. This one is purely fictional. I'm only posting a little bit, you know, as a test trial of sorts. If I get good results, who knows, I might post weekly or something to that effect. We'll see. Hope you guys like it.


He said I was different than any other girl, and that he loved me being different.

So When Did Weird Become Cute??

~*Chapter 1*~

"John, she's going to be okay. You saved her," a kind and gentle voice said, "The doctor said she should wake up in about a week. You need to sleep darling, you haven't left this room in two days."

"I can't leave her Ma. She needs me," a boy's voice then says, just above a whisper.

"She won't be waking up for at least four days. Aurora wouldn't want you to neglect your health."

"I suppose..."

"I'll bring you back tomorrow. You need to get some sleep tonight."


The distant sound of a baby can be heard in the background...

John's POV

"Rora...Aurora...Ror," I let out a sigh. Why couldn't she be easier to wake up? Waking her up is like trying to take a cat for a walk. Extremely difficult, and very time consuming.

"Aurora Anne Marie Thompson! get your butt out of bed right now," shouted a slightly irritated woman's voice.

"Ugh! Okay, I'm up! Just stop shouting," the formerly sleeping figure yelled, mumbling the last part, "Oh, John. You were trying to wake me up again weren't you? I'm so sorry. I know how much of a pain that can be..."

She always gets so flustered over the smallest things. "It's fine Ror. It's not that bad. Really," I chuckled. i couldn't help it. Her long, curly, dark brown hair was braided into two pigtails that reached her hips, her bangs splayed in every which direction. She was staring up at me, her light blue eyes wide, and filled with worry. I leaned over and kissed her forhead.

"Are you sure? Gosh, I'm like the worst big sis ever. You're always having to take care of me."

"Nah...okay, sort of, but I don't mind. Honestly. I love making my cute big sis happy."

At that her lightly freckled cheeks turned a rosy red. She crossed her arms, and glared at me. Her lips were in a slight pout. I laughed and gave her a hug, before leaving her room.

Aurora's POV

I can't believe that boy. How can someone be so sweet, and yet so cocky? Oh well, I still love him to death. I couldn't ask for a better brother. For as long as I can remember, John has always been there for me, no matter what.

I stretched out my arms, letting out a yawn, before getting out of my bed. I loved my bed. It was a bunk bed with a queen size matress on bottom, and a full size matress on top. Both matresses were made up with black silk sheet sets. My favorite part of my bed, though, would have to be the canopy that was made custom for my bed. It looked kind of like the shower curtains on those showers you might find in a hotel, that curve outward a bit. Basically the canopy hung around my bed, half a circle, coming out from my wall. the curtain itself consisted of sheer, black material that was spotted with tiny circular applicant like things, that reflected different colors depending on the light. The black color scheme contrasted beautifully against my lime green walls. i had a considerably large room, in my opinion. Random knick knacks placed throughout the room, decorating walls and furniture. I had assigned one corner of my room soley for my vast collection of stuffed animals. I've kept almost every stuffed animal I've ever had, since I was born. Other than that, my room was like every other teenager's room. All the neccesities, and non-neccesities, every teenager should have.

I changed out of my purple silk pajamas, tossing them into a hamper. I grabbed my fuzzy black robe, that had multi-colored polka dots on it, and slipped it on, along with my matching slippers. As I walked out of my room, into the hallway, I shuddered. Why is it so chilly out here? Crossing my arms, trying to stay warm, I made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

"What's with the temp in here? It's freaking July for fudge sake."

"I don't know. Ma already took off for work, and I don't know how to fix it," John said, handing me a plate with eggs, bacon, and french toast. Alot of food, I know. What can I say? I'm a growing girl with a healthy appetite.

"Thanks Johnny. Since Mom's gone to work already, do you want to take a look around town with Crys?"

"Yeah, I guess. I mean it's too cold in here, so it's like the perfect time to explore our new home! We can't stay cooped up in this house forever."

"Okay. I'm gonna go get dressed and stuff, Can you-"

"OMG! I walked out of my room and practically froze. Where's Ma? She needs to fix the heater or whatever. I soo don't wanna turn into a popsicle."

John and I just stared at the little girl now standing in the doorway, her face clearly showing frustration. John started cracking up, almost falling over. I was trying not to laugh at the little nine year old. There was a six year age gap between Crystal Elizabeth and John. I was the oldest, being 17. John was two years behind me, at 15 years old. I guess you could call him the middle child. And, of course, there was little Crystal Elizabeth, the youngest. Even with the age difference, it was obvious Crys was our sister. She had the same light blue eyes as John and I. The same fair complexion, and curly brown hair. The only exceptions being the fact that she had light brown hair, same as John, while I had dark brown hair.

My hair came just above my waist, with bangs that reached just below my brow. I had my bangs cut staright-ish, but could be swept into side bangs also. John had hair almost shoulder length with "guy bangs". So his curls would constantly fall over his eyes. Crys's hair was short, framing her small face. It suited her spunky personality.

"Crys...what are you wearing?"

"I was cold! So I went back in my room, and put on like three layers of clothes," she defended herself, "It's not that funny John." She started to pout.

"Aww, I'm sorry Cryssy. I didn't mean to laugh. and no worries about the coldness. Once everyone's dressed, we're heading out to check this town out. So hurry up and eat, and get ready," John said giving Crys a huge bear hug.

"Fine, whatever," was the last thing I heard as I walked out of the room.


So what did you think? Vote and comment. I can't wait to hear what you guys think. I know it's a little boring right now, but if I continue this, it will get a whole lot better.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2010 ⏰

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