Chapter One

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Beads of glistening sweat rolled elegantly from his temple to his knife sharp jawline. His bright pink hair stuck messily to his forehead as he leant against the practice room wall. He let out loud pants almost in time with the other members of BTS. Almost as if a symphony was to be created out of their tired exhales. Jimin scanned his eyes across the pure white practice room that had only recently become normal to him. He felt his striped top stick uncomfortably to his chest and started pullying at it absentmindedly. He regretted choosing such a warm top that morning, he knew that the rehearsal would be hard core, what a stupid choice. His shorts had been a better idea yet the material was still rubbing his skin from the repetitive practice that he had been forced to do all day. He let out a stress filled sigh and ran one of his small hands through his wet, tangled hair.

"How many more days without a break?" He murmered taking a short sip from his water then pulling himself to his feet.

He glanced around the room again and saw Suga laying, panting in the centre of the room, arms folded underneath his head and eyes closed innocently. Jimin chuckled. He was wearing all black, how typical, he really did never change. The sight of him so relaxed was strangly perfect and Jimin found it hard to pull his eyes away even for a moment.

At this point the other members were all on their feet desperate to head home, it had been a painfully long day and no one wanted to stare at the plain, white walls for a second longer.

"Yoongi and I wanted to stay behind and practice our duet part, you guys head off" Jimin said picking up his water bottle.
"Don't stay too late. You can't get ill this close to the tour." Warned Rapmon before ushering the rest of BTS out of the room and leaving the remaining two members alone in silence.

Yoongi's low breathing filled the room as Jimin stood there staring at his suddenly soft features. Suga's chest rose and fell gently almost as if he was laying on a wave rather than a hard, wooden dance floor. His two toned black hair protected his features with damp, limp strands. He began to stir and rolled onto his side, before once again falling asleep. His lips were slightly parted, they looked warm and gentle and were drawing Jimin towards them like a pair of silken, pink magnets.

Jimin clenched his fists, what the hell was he thinking? Suga was his Hyung, they had been like brothers since before debut, what were these disturbing thoughts that now wrecked havoc within his head? He cast them away, they needed to practice this duet, he was clearly just feeling weird from a day of non-stop dancing. He took a swift drink from his water bottle then poured some icey water down his back, letting it cascade and cool him.

Jimin crouched next to the napping Suga and shook his arm briskly, "Hyung... Hyung! Wake up we need to practice" he demanded loudly.

"What the fuck Jimin?" Suga mumbled, each word poisoned with ovbious hatred. Heavily, Yoongi's eyes opened and looked directly at Jimin with a piercing glare that turned him cold. Jimin pulled back feeling a strange sort of pain.
"Stop being an ass and get up. Practice is more important than your beauty sleep," Jimin commanded without much conviction. He could feel Suga's burning eyes scorch his back with spite. Jimin heard the slight rustle of Yoongi's clothes as he sat up and yawned, but why did it sound so angelic? As if it was not another man but some small animal that had wandered, oblivious into the large practice room. A warm preasure pushed against Jimin's back, it felt welcoming as if the embodiment of a sweet smelling meadow.

"Wh...what are you doing Hyung?!" Jimin stammered, embarrassed by their sudden exchange of body heat. He felt his heart start to thud, almost as if a drum was trying to rip apart his ribs and burst through to the surface. A warm blush swam to lay sheepishly on his cheeks making Jimin even more aware of the older man's back on his. His palms became unusually clammy and he felt his breaths come out in fast, anxious bursts. He had lost control of his own body and it was starting to break down into an awkward mess of a man.

"I thought you said we were going to practice? I'm in the first position. You seem out of breath?" Yoongi questioned, his voice piercing Jimin's sudden anxiety and heart. It sounded strangely teasing, almost as if Suga could read how he was feeling.
"No. Let's just get this done," Jimin pleaded quickly sensing what seemed to be a chuckle coming from the other member.

... ... ...

Yoongi picked up his water and took three gulps staring intensly at Jimin. It had been so many years since they had first met and he had been holding back for just as long. He had felt the tension in Jimin's muscles as they sat back to back; the only wall between them, fabric that was clinging with sweat to their skin. A burning desire was coursing through his body and he wasnt sure just how much more he could take. His thoughtful gaze followed Jimin's hand as it ran through his hair, his arm muscles tencing unneccessarely.

"We should really get going. The others will want to eat about now." Jimin's voice cut through Suga's thoughts and dragged him back to reality. Jimin was already at the door and about to open it, his eyes were cosily glancing at Suga. An incredible yearning crashed through him as he felt his hand slam against the door, blocking Jimin's possible escape route. They were only iches away and their breaths mingled in the intimate space between their lips. Yoongi could sense all of Jimin's smallest movements including the rising pounding of the smaller mans heart. If he wanted to, Jimin could easliy push him away, but the preasure that he had shown was holding Jimin against the cold glass of the door.

A small smirk cut into Yoongi's lips as he whispered "If you don't plan on running, let's have some fun." His warm breath tickled Jimin's sesitive skin and he felt a chill slither up his spine as Suga grabbed one of his shoulders and moved in close.

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