a huge crush

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Unknown POV:

Omega reminds me of Percy, I know that he is kind once you become his friend and once he trusts you.The way his eyes shine.His eyes shine as if they were once filled of life and laughter, but is now filled with hatred abd betrayal.I wonder what happened to him.Wait am I falling for a..a man? (That doesnt mean its Artemis because A lot of the people at camp gave up on love when they saw what Annabeth did to Percy, by that I mean Annabeth didn't trust Percy so she wanted to kill him)

Chaos POV: ALL HADES IS ABOUT TO BREAK LOOSE! how could they hurt my son. I could tell that Jewels,death, sparks, and thunder are trying not to kill people, well time for me to question a few gods.

Omega POV:   Ahhhh, every time I wake up I just go back to sleep, god I must be really tired. As I open my eyes I see death, jewels, sparks, and thunder all around me. "OMEGA!" they all yelled and jumped on top of me. Aftet about 30 seconds they got off. "Guys, do me a favor and kill Annabeth!"I said hope filled my eyes. "Father is taking care of that."Death said happily and he is hardly happy.Yay I hope he kills her! As we were talking my vision started going black and I started vommiting, and couldn't stop. "Thunder go get father!"I heard Sparks yell before I once again slipped into darkness.

Chaos POV:  (I was going to stop here but I owe you guys.)  As I was about to flash to Olympus I hear thunder calling me. "What's wrong?"I asked. "Its omega he is getting worse by the hour and...and death says that he feels...death in the futre." and he bursted out crying.Even I was shedding some tears. I can't believe that my son isn't going to make it.No ......No! He is going to make it I'm going to find a way for him to live! Screw the fates I'm saving my son, if they like it or not.

we are the 5 horsemen/Horsewomen (Percey fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang