Chapter 17

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Lucy told them everything, not about her powers though or the dragons.

Minerva Looks away.

"Sorry Lucy Minerva is kinda bitchy sometimes, maybe she's on her period.."
Yukino said not realizing she said the last part out loud

Minerva ignored what Yukino said
And apologized quietly

"Now the only reason I wanted to join today.." The blonde said as tears starting forming.

"Was because I wanted to make new friends that wouldn't reject me at the drop of a hat and to crush them..."

A thumb came across Lucy's eyelids wiping her tears "Erm... Don't cry.."
Minerva said as she looked the other direction and blushed

"M-m'lady! You're a lesbian?!" Sting said

"That's hot~!" The sliver haired girl said wiping her nose. While the other gulid members agreed

"KNOCK IT OFF!" the black head girl said making the guild members retreat back to what they were doing

The blonde giggled a tear slid down her cheek but she ~

Cliffhanger yes. I am losing lots to inspiration so this book may not continue for a while......

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