A tragic flashback

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I. AM. SO. SORRY. I promise I will try and write more for this story, I swear. Honestly guys, I don't know why I haven't been updating, school work, drama (but I'll save it for my llama xD .....sorry lame joke), and basicly everything else. I trust most of my readers are watpad authors so y'know how it is. I probably don't have any readers because they saw I wasn't updating and thought I abanondened my story. Im going to try and pick up from Jaden's flashback, so he is still in his "La di da di" world just in case if it didn't make sense or whatever. so here ya go....

P.S. sorry I didn't edit...


"Hello?" She said through the phone. As soon as the other person started talking a look of uncertainty flashed across her face.

"Yes, this is Gwen. Who's this?" She asked. As she was waiting for the reply she sent me an apologetic glance.

"E-excuse me?" Her voice had a certain sharpness to it, I was starting to get worried.

I remember shifing in the swing. Embaressment still clear on my face from our moment we were having before. I was starring at my converse when I looked up Gwen's face was white as paper and her eyes big with shock as her mouth hung open a little. Her gripped loosened on her phone as it fell and hit the sand beneath the swings. I felt my heart stop. Something was very wrong.

"Gwen..." I whispered.

I remember feeling my heart ache with worriedness as she fell on her knees and put her face in her hands. I quickly kneeled to her side out of instinct.

"G, whats wrong?" I asked praticly shaking. Mys tomcat felt empty and i felt sweat beginning to form.

"M-m-myyyy..." She tried pushing words out of her mouth, but something was wrong between her head and her mouth whatever it was, it was to much that she couldn't manage speaking.

My heart went from stopping to beating a hundred times a second. With my cold hands I remember trying to shake her into consciousness.

"Gwen... what is it?" I asked once more.

It was five whole minuets of her sitting there starring at the sandy ground. Her eyes wide, mouth open and a expression of shock. Then like a flash of lightning she quickly shot strait up on her feet and ran to get her bag. It was like whatever it was made her come smashing into reality.

"Gwen! What was it?!" I asked.

"My...." She startred, she took deep breaths.

I put a comforting hand on her shoulder. I knew what she needed, it was like I could read her mind at times. I pulled her into my arms and she exhaled a shaky breath and began over again taking deep breaths. I held my arms tight around her, as if the tighter I held her the more it would protect her from the nasty things in the world. She put her arms around me and held me close, I liked it this way.

"My Mom..." She said.

"Sh-she g-got into a c-c-car acid-d-dent..." She said taking deep breaths into my shirt, I rubbed her back soothingly.

"We need to get to the hospital." She said. I pulled away and looked down at her, she looked up. Her eyes were glossy with threatening tears, they were unreadable, he cheeks were slightly pink. I nodded. The hospital was a few blocks from the park. We grabbed our stuff and began to jog over their, half way we slowed down to a walk. On any other occasion a walk to the hospital might not seem so dark for some. But when you have an idea of what to expect when you walk in, it seems so ominous. I grabbed her hand. She seemed startled at first when she looked at me but then realized i was trying to comfort her.

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