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"Anyone up for a movie?" Zay asks as they all gather in one of the larger bedrooms of the house. "Or are we all too tired?"

At first the group just look at each other, all still readjusting now that the emotional uproar has calmed down. 

"...I wouldn't mind staying up," Farkle says after a minute. He hasn't told them about the nightmares yet. The divorce was enough of a bomb drop in itself. And with luck, he might not even have one tonight. 

"I love movies," Riley says. Maya grins at this, watching the other girl with a bright grin.

"...didn't we get Final Destination?" Lucas interjects from where he stands- noticeably close to Farkle, Zay notes- his tone lightly concerned. "Maybe a horror movie isn't such a good idea..."

"Horror movies aren't as scary when you're with friends," Riley objects. Maya gently nudges her.

"Riles, you called Bambi a horror movie..."

"His mom got murdered Maya, that was an incredibly traumatizing thing to see as an impressionable child."

"...I actually like the Final Destination movies," Farkle chimes in, having spent most of this time just watching the conversation around him. He doesn't really- he's seen them all and frankly the first one made plane rides traumatizing for like a month afterwards, while the third is still the reason he can't ride roller coasters- but he also figures if he does have another nightmare again tonight, he can lie and blame it on the horror movie.

Lucas opens his mouth to argue when Zay grins. 

"Its settled then, we end the night with a movie," He says, almost triumphant as he looks to Lucas. The beautiful blonde simply sighs. He knows this will not end well in any sense of the word.

But, Riley is on board and Farkle seems to be, which is really odd. He could have swore that in one of their many late night text conversations- Lucas sometimes has trouble sleeping with the city being so loud and Farkle is a bit of a night owl- that Farkle said the only horror he likes is musical horror, and even then that's sometimes too much. 

Maybe he remembered wrong. Though really, he doubts it. 

The Stupidest Genius I've Ever Met (A Larkle Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora