Luke Out Below

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We were in a canoe but not in the water and Ravi was talking about something I couldn't even understand. But I heard Ravi say to Emma. " Emma a little help please." And Emma said! "Uhh fine. Woosh." And then we saw a helicopter and a boy with freckles came down and he said! "Hey guys." And all the Ross kids say! " Hey Luke." And then they introduced us to Luke and yeah and Ravi was talking about safety and stuff but I didn't hear him but Luke asked me and Griff if we wanted to go on a real mountain and we said yes. We were climbing the mountain when I was on the edge and I almost fell but Griff cought my hand but then we both fell and we were yelling! " Luke help please." And he was trying to help us but then he fell off and then we all yelled! " Help us were down here please someone one help." And I was so scared I hung on to Griff's arm and he pulled me close so I wouldn't fall and then we got help and we all finally made it and we got water and Ravi asked us this weird question! " I also got some hand lotion." And we all looked at him weirdly and he said! "No just me. OK just me." But I was happy we made it out alive.

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