Chapter 9 ~ The Past

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Ayeeeeeeee...I need to update more XD.


Grape's pov

Damn it. Why is it that Will got to sit next to Shyne in the hot tub?!

Ugh. I should've shoved him over and sat next to Shyne.

Rayne has been giving me the evil eye ever since that pool incident. She has also been giving Will the evil eye for ruining her "ship"?

Rayne has been by Shyne's side the entire time though, so I wouldn't have been able to flirt with Shyne anyway.

Will's pov

Shyne was resting her head on my shoulder. It felt comfortable that she was there. Sure, she probably liked Grape, but that didn't change my feelings about her.

Even if she rejected me over and over again, I could never hate her. In fact, I would never not love her.

Her smile, her beautiful face, her amazing laugh. But what I loved most, was just her. Her personality. Her kindness. Her love.

I wanted to be her one and only, but Grape liked her too. I couldn't steal her away from him without giving him a chance without her. It's Shyne's choice. Grape is like a brother to me. I don't want to be the reason he can't be happy.

I nudged Shyne. It was her turn to tell a story.

She looked up at me, and smiled, and then she turned to everyone else. Her head was still on my shoulder though.

"What type of the story do you guys want me to tell?" Her beautiful voice asked.

"Hmmm...first boyfriend?" Straub suggested, and Grase seconded it. Soon, everyone was agreeing.

"O-ok." She sounded timid. I reached for her hand, and squeezed it, and was about to release it, when she held onto my hand, and we shared a glance.

"His name was Justin, and we met in high school.

"He would always come up to me with bad pick-up lines.

"I finally decided to give him a chance, and we went to the movies together.

"The movie was good, but we were mostly just making dumb scenarios that the characters could be in.

"After that, we went and got frozen yogurt.

"We went on several more dates, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend.

"I told him yes. We never kissed, but I thought we had something special.

"The next day, I see him pinning some girl to a locker, and making out with her.

"I slapped him the next time I saw him, and moved away. Haven't seen him since."

She finished, tears beginning to form in her eyes.

I wrapped my arm around her, and pulled her closer.

She closed her eyes, and murmured, "Your turn Will."

"Ok, what kind of story?" I tried to look confident.

"Nah, let's just go back inside, It's late." Zack said, picking up Rayne, who had fallen asleep, and was currently leaning on his chest.

Zack carried Rayne bridal style to her room, and I helped Shyne up, not wanting to go past the line. If I carried her to her room like Zack was doing with Rayne, Rayne would murder me.

I helped her out of the hot tub, and caught her when she almost fell.

I walked with her to her room, and in her drowsiness, she kissed my cheek, and then I left.

Even if it was just because she was super tired, I felt over the moon.

I know that Grape liked her, so I wouldn't bring it up, it would crush him.

Grape's pov

I saw Shyne give Will a kiss on the cheek.

It crushed me, so now I would crush him.

Shyne no longer had a choice in this matter.

Will was gonna be out of the picture.

I quickly texted Amber.

Did you really think I just ended it with her?


i listened to the entire soundtrack of hamilton...i swear i dont have a problem...but i wanna see hamilton so badly now T^T ...dang it.

my favorite song is It's Quiet Uptown, how bout you? 

(cough cough Kyler, i know you love Hamilton too cough cough)

and the collab is soon, i swearrrrr

Happiness | Sequel to "Start Again" | Cube FanficWhere stories live. Discover now