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Hey, I am in High School, and sometimes I am really happy and sometimes I am really down, I guess that is called being a teenager. Even though I have a lot of mood swings and I don't have many people with the same interest as me, music always seems to understand me and "save" my soul. My name is Calliope ( even my name is related to music), and this is my story.

In my school, there is a room dedicated to music, and when classes end that's where I spend my free time. I really enjoy spending time there, in that room I am not a broken, week, different, with social pressure girl, I'm just me. One day like any other, I went there, after class. As soon as I arrived I took of my headphones that were playing as always, really loud music, and I noticed something new, a new person in there, but he didn't look like a music geek, maybe I was being stereotypical maybe I was not, but he was different in my world. When I walked in my best friend Charles walked up to me, he is the best person in the world, I truly love him, I have so much fun when I am with him and his hugs are the best, I can guaranty you that. After he hugs me, like he always does when he sees me, he said:

- Hey Calli, who are you in this lovely day?

- Hey Charles, now I am fine, I am here, in our paradise! And you?

- Well I am fantastic, even thou that my and Antony fought again...

- What did he do?

- I saw him flirt with Jessica.

- Okay, Charles I know that you really like him, but he does not respect you, I understand the fact that you guys aren't dating but we can't play with your feelings like that, you must DTR ( define the relationship)...

- I know, but since he is bisexual...

- AND?! You are gay and that doesn't mean you can't be faithful.

- I guess your right! But whatever, lets practice.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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