Chapter 26

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Nick's POV

''What a douche. He sat in front of my face and laughed and joked with me as he all along had the plan to kill my girlfriend.'' I say pissed as hell as we walk up to the race. Liam wrapped my knuckles as I had cut them open since they were already bruised but the glass I threw him through did not help either. The worst thing was Desi was coming to the race and I had to explain to her what the hell I did with my right hand.

''Lets just hope he is out of our lives for good.'' CJ says rolling his eyes. I mean that was his cousin and I was about to kill him if he did not stop me. The most annoying thing out of all people that come for Desi he had to be one of our oldest friends. He annoyed the hell out of me. Fucking hell. I was still so pissed just imaging someone hurting Desi.

''I'm gonna race.'' I tell CJ who hands me the keys. I race a few times and it helped me calm back down. Did not take long for me to calm down to be honest. I hang out with the guys down for a little before walking up the hill to go see Mason and them. I check my phone to see if Desi had arrived yet. I see her sitting with Cleo as I come up.

''Hey.'' She says getting up walking to me. Her smile disappeared as she saw my bandaged hand. "You alright?'' She asks looking at my hand. ''I am fine.'' I tell her. She hugs me tip toeing wrapping her arms around my neck. She was tiny as hell so I had to bend down. ''I'm fine.'' I tell her again. She lets go of me and I look at her worried face. The worried face everyone did after something happened and they were worried for my sanity. I sit down next to Cleo.

''Did you win?'' She asks and I nod reaching into my pocket getting the stack of $20k out. ''Ofcourse.'' I say and she chuckles. Desi sits down next to me quietly. ''So what happened?" She asks looking at my hands.

"Nothing- don't worry about it." I say. Everyone fell silent. I didn't want her to worry about this. I would handle it for her.

"Oh shit Naomi has arrived with her pals." Liam says as I see them walking up. Wonder what happened to Ryan. Hope he was dead already.

"What's up?" One of the twins says as I nod at them. Naomi walked straight up to Mason surprisingly us all she put her arms around and stuck her tongue down his throat. Alright then. She must be seriously damages to do that after Mason cheated on her. Maybe she appreciated guys who treated her like trash.

The night kind of blows over and I take Desi home. I was worried for this list that was getting longer and longer about people who were coming for her and it was annoying me.

''You wanna stay at my place tonight?" I ask just to keep an eye on her

"I've got class tomorrow morning." She says. She was a little frustrated that I wasn't really telling her what happened to my hands. "You can't stay over either." She says looking at me.

"Why not?"

"Because you're not being honest with me." She says shrugging. "Also I have class in the morning."

I park in her apartment block getting out the car. I needed to find another way to keep my eye on her. "Alright." I say walking her up to her door.

"Bye Nicholas." She says opening her door. She throws her keys on the table and looks back at me. "Bye." I say kissing her lips. She runs her fingers through the back of my head as our lips lock. She had me wrapped around her finger. I didn't want to let go of her but I had shit to do.

I head back home and walk into the house.

"Tim can you track Christian down for me?" I ask him. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "You wanna throw him through some more glass doors?"

Collin's Crew II Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt