a confusing feeling and a ball

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  Sebastian's p.o.v

I don't know what's wrong with me I seem fine but I feel so weird!

Argh! Why do I feel this way around Y/N!!! I'm so angry when my lord touches MY Y/N! Argh, what am I thinking she's not mine! Ugh, and when she walks past me I feel so wei- SEBASTIAN STOP YOUR SPILLING THE TEA!!! Ciel snapped me out of my thoughts "oh I'm sorry my lord am just out of it" I say as I walk away

Sebastian can you go get Y/N for me Ciel says "Yes my lord......"

**You're pov**

I was changing in my room when Sebastian walked in WITHOUT knocking and I was half-naked "SEBASTIAN GET OUT"

Huh oh I'm s-s-Sorry miss Y/N Sebastian stuttered once I was finished changing I called Sebastian back in "SEBASTIAN!!" y-Yes Sebastian stuttered "what did you need?" Oh yeah my lord wants to speak with you! Sebastian said "OK" I said walking to Ciels I barged in the door without knocking "HEY BROTHER!!"

Ugh Y/N please keep your voice down I had to deal with Elizabeth all day! Ciel groaned

"Wait I missed saying hi to Lizzy?!!"

Yes but that's not what your here for your here because we are is hosting a ball tonight and you have no one to go with am I right Ciel asked

"Yeah...I'm a lonely soul..."

W-well m-My lord I c-could take miss Y-N Sebastian stuttered

"REALLY Sebastian you would do that??"

Of course, he would Ciel answered for Sebastian

Well then it's settled Y/N you are going to the ball with Sebastian Ciel said

"OK, when is it?"

tonight at 11 sharp. do not be late Ciel said sternly


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