Day 12:Having a lazy day

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These idiots would just lay in bed. But that's boring. So have a yandere one shot thing cuz they're fun to write.

(Springtrap's pov)

I was playing Ni No Kuni on the PS3 when I heard the door open.

"Hey Goldie." I greeted without looking to where he was

"Playing on the PlayStation I see." He was behind the couch and I could smell something gross on him

"Don't hug me. I can smell blood on you," I knew it wasn't his. It was obvious at this point, he had probably killed the girl who flirted with me the other day. "Go clean yourself if you want a hug."

"But Spring--!" He tried to complain

"Clean yourself or no cuddles and smoochies." I had paused my game and glared at him. He immediately ran up the stairs to go clean himself.

I may be stuck here with a crazy guy, but he honestly was like a small lost puppy. At least I have a bit of freedom.
Spring gives no fucks about dating a murderer. He could probably train Goldie not to kill people but he's lazy.

Have a good day everybody!

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