Because she did it. (16YrOld!Pewdiepie x 26YrOld!Stephano)

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WHAT THE STORY IS ABOUT-- Stephano gets a new girlfriend in Brennenburg is lives in a happy relationship, but as soon as Felix found out Stephano has a new companion, he continues to sadly venture by himself.And on his journey, he begins to stop talking, followed by starving himself, and soon enough, Stephano finds him and they- ERR! Read to find out cx AND YES, THIS IS STILL PEWDIEPHANO.

Felix walked down the dark corridor, his back was aching and his stomach was practically begging him to eat. His eyes had horrible bags under them, his clothes are ripping apart, his feet are cut, his hair seems to be brunet due to not bathing for one shameful month, and his ears were damaged from hearing the screaming of the bro, and the loud begs of his friends to come back. On his way to a bed room, he heard Stephano and Julie (his girlfriend) talking about him. The curious swede put his ear to the door.

''Julie, i really do miss you think he is OK?''

''Of course! If he is still walking, the boy is alright!''


''Well, i wish i could see him again, he was my very first friend...Hey! That rhymed!''

They both laughed, while the swede sighed and walked into the darkness again.


The small male ventured through the wine cellar, letting out multiple tiny whimpers and cries as he stepped on broken shards of glass, and with that he must have triggered someone because almost immediately he heard footsteps nearing him.He stayed frozen in his place and soon heard a french accent yell his name ''PEWDIE!!!''. And unfortunately, Julie was there too, letting out a nerve racking grunt to the swede, indicating that he best not turn around. Pewdie being himself though, turned around and faced the couple he hated so very much, and also getting a death glare from Julie. ''Hello, friends.'' he said, eyeing them. ''Pewds, where have you been, we have been looking everywhere for you!!'' Stephano said cheerfully. ''I've been trying to get away from her. But actually, Stephano, it's to be none of you're concern, i don't want to drag you into this...mess.'' the boy said dully, getting the finger from Julie, and a innocent look from stephano, who came and hugged him. ''Don't worry, you can sleep with me and Julie'' he said, surprising both of them, mostly Julie ''Right after you take a bath!'' Julie yelled at the poor boy, who was immediately caught into Stephano's hold ''No yelling at him, Julie, he's to young for you're nagging!'' Stephano said in a protective manner.


''Well, at least they are not falling off!!'' Stephano said cheerfully, looking at the swede, The boy was wearing extremely heavy solid golden clothes. The sleeves reached his ankles, the hood covered his eyes and half of his nose, and the robe flopped around his tiny feet. ''TURN THE DAMN PHONE OFF JULIE. I'M TIRED OF THIS SHIT. FACEBOOK DOES NOT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT MY OUTFIT. YOU. BITCH.'' the annoyed swede yelled at the girl who was taking way to many pictures of him. Julie gasped and looked at Stephano expectantly. 'He's young' the frenchman mouthed to his girlfriend. Julie crossed her arms and lied in bed.


Stephano awoke by the soft weeping of the tiny swede who was holding onto his hips for dear life. ''Whats wrong, Pewds?'' stephano asked curiously.

''The clothes are too heavy, i can't sleep!'' The boy said.

'Stephano sighed and began to take the boys clothes off, only when he took the boy's pants off, he found an erection touching his hands


Because she did it. (16YrOld!Pewdiepie x 26YrOld!Stephano)Where stories live. Discover now