Seventeen: Falling For You (Not)

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Whoever invented mid-year 'enrichment classes' honestly needs to go and get a life. It's still June, it's still the holidays, and disastrous death-threats sleepover notwithstanding, I have zero intention to go back to school. And yet, here I am. You'd think enrichment classes could at least be interesting, but they are actually perpetually boring—even more so than regular classes, because they're 'advanced'. Someone needs to tell the school the smart genes skipped me.

When we finally get our break, I escape the classroom. I don't need to spend any more time in there than is necessary. My classmates share my sentiments, evidently, because the class is emptied out within seconds of the bell going.

Van taps me on the shoulder. "You coming?"

"You go ahead," I say, catching sight of something. "I want to check something out."

"Be careful." They leave with cautious glances over their shoulders at me. We've all been on edge since Abby. Unfortunately, I never learn.

Esther herself is a slight way down the hallway, talking to Remiko. It's hard to be the centre of attention when your companion is sporting Dior on her face—Remiko's skirt is tailored too and I'm about ninety per cent sure she contours her face—but being the sender of death threats, and a dark fairy to boot, does tend to give you that distinction. I'm debating whether or not to go over when someone nudges me.

"I said go ahead." I don't look away from Esther.


I jump. It's Rae. She follows my line of sight, sees Esther, and looks at me with concern. "Is this about Abby and the card?" She whispers.

I nod slightly. "Abby said... Esther was working with someone. I thought maybe it might be someone around here."


"I... maybe?" If anyone's suspicious around here, it's Remi. "I don't know. Hey," I grab her arm. "If this Esther thing gets out of control, will you come help?"

Rae bites her lip. "Vin..."

"I know you said you wanted to keep it private. But you're powerful, Rae, and you really know your stuff. We could use your help. You've already helped me this much."

"I know. And I want to help you, Vin, really, I want to work with you. But..." she trails off as Esther glances our way. The dark fairy's expression darkens. "I'd better go. I'll see you later." Rae hurries off. I don't blame her. There was something unsettling in that look Esther gave us.

I turn back to Esther and Remiko, only to find them disappearing into the distance. Cursing under my breath, I check to make sure no one's around. Then I yank off my shoes, turn invisible and go after them.

I learned my lesson at the paintball range, and I don't get close enough to the pair that they can hear my footsteps. Even barefoot, I don't know exactly what Esther's capable of, and I'm not particularly keen to test it. Still, I get tempted whenever they slip frustratingly out of reach, almost disappearing several times before I catch back up to them.

They don't seem to be going anywhere in particular. For a while they drop into the art room. After that they seem to continue their aimless walking, always talking in low voices. I can't make out what they're saying.

I almost bump into several people while walking, forgetting I'm invisible, and each time I curse myself for being that careless. One weird thing and Esther could get suspicious. My heart skips beats every time she even remotely turns her head.

Not that they're not suspicious enough themselves. They seem to be making their way vaguely upstairs. It's only after something like fifteen minutes that they actually seem to reach a destination on the fourth floor landing: a door-sized panel marked DO NOT ENTER. She reaches out her hand and a brief thought that maybe she really is crazy crossed my mind. But she pulls it open and nothing happens. Behind the door is a ladder. They're going up to the roof.

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