Knife fight

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The crew where going on a supply run they were running low on sum things, as Kanan, Hera, zeb chopper Sabine, and Ezra were walking through the fields they were talking about random things, they were walking when they heard a growl, they stoped and looked around, Ezra found were the noise was coming from.

He stepped closer to it then all the sudden he was attacked by a lothcat, it surprised him and he fell down, every one looked at him when he started yelling, "get this cat off me!" Kanan chuckled ad grabbed the cat and pried it off Ezra's face, he held it in his arms as Ezra got up.

He looked at the cat and sighed, "your on my list buddy" he said glaring at him, Kanan chuckled and put the cat down "come on let's go" Kanan said and they kept walking.

They got into town and they were standing in the middle of the market going over the things they need again, as they were talking all the sudden the heard, "hey street rat!" At that Ezra spun around and looked over the crowd with worry, and the others noticed, "hey kid what's going on?" Kanan asked.

I looked at him only for a moment then back to the crowd, "that would be a guy from one of the local mobs, one that wants me dead" I said, then I saw him, Jackson and his mob but only half of them on his heals, I start to back up but ran into zeb, they were getting closer, I don't think they new I had people it's me because he usually doesn't go after me unless it's at me tower.

"GET Them!" He yelled I was wrong he does know, I was about to run when I noticed that my crew was grabbed from behind, "no!" I panicked I looked at Jackson and saw he was only five feet away and his friend surrounding me, he stepped closer to me knife in both his hands, "alright bridger let's do this, we'll be fair, you win we let you and your.... friends go. But if I win I kill you and them, what do you say" he said, I know he won't let us go unless I fight and if I don't he might kill us anyway, I sighed "fine, your on".

"Ezra!" I heard Kanan behind me, I look back at him and the crew, they were worried I didn't need the force to know that, "it's ok guys, I know what I'm doing" I turned back to Jackson and pulled out two knifes I have hidden in my boots just incase, we both took ready stances and the battle begun.

He came at me and tried to stab me, but I blocked with my knife and pushed him off and went after him, I could feel ever ones worry for me hoping I don't get hurt and not dead, we fought for a few minutes and I could see he was getting tired, he was panting trying to catch his breath, I was standing there perfectly fine, then I had a idea.

"Aw are you tired already? It makes sense, I mean you are getting really old, and you are  a bit fat so..." Jackson lounged at Ezra, almost catching him off guard, Ezra jumped over Jackson and as soon as Jackson turned around Ezra stabbed him in the side, it won't kill him but it will hurt him.

Jackson let out a groan as the pain hit him, I pulled the nice out  and kicked him in the stab wound and making him fall to the ground holding his side in pain.

I stand right in front of him, "I won know let me and my friends go" he looked up and spat at my shoes, "you'll have to kill me first" I just rolled my eyes and kicked him in the stomach with my spit covered shoe, knocking the wind out of him, I turn around to look at everyone else.

I saw that everyone was surprised I had won against a strong guy like Jackson, he almost had the same build as zeb, "I won let them go, NOW!" I said/ yelled flashing my knife, they let go of my crew and backed off, I went over to my crew and stood on front of them, "lets go" I said walking the other way.

"Ezra wait" Kanan said and I stoped turning around watching them run up to my, once the got to me they stood in front of me, "Ezra sines when could you knife fight, and when did you have knifes in your boots?" Sabine asked, I sighed, "my knifes are my backup weapon, if something happens to my mane weapon it's there and know one knows. That and on the streets of lothal knife fighting is pretty normal, I learned to carry a knife with me all the time when I was ten so...".

"What about that guy?" Hera asked, "oh he will be fine, in knife fights usually you would kill whoever your fighting, but I don't do that I only fight till there down, and he knows that. Anyway come on this supply run not run itself" I said walking off. My crew stared at me for a little bit, I could hear zeb say 'wow' behind me.

I guess I could have done better but oh well😐

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