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Kevin’s POV

“That was so cute >3< .. ♫give you more loving that you never had.. ♪” she changed the lyrics “hmmnn..hmnnn~” she hummed while she slightly banging her head left to right -__- and linked her arms around mine..

“wah! Kevin that was soooo cute~ (^0^  ,)

“I know right “ =__=

Kanina nya pa sinasabi na maganda at “cute” daw yung ginawa ko kanina -__-

Naglalakad na kami ngayon pauwi.. ayaw nya mag-commute e, gusto nya maglakad kami pauwi. Wew malayo ‘toh sa lugar namin (  =_=)

“there’s only one way to do, those three words for yoouuu~ I LOVE YOU ! ^0^” she sang and swings my hand while walking.. nagkaroon yata sya ng LSS (Last Song Syndrome)

“you’re like a broken plaque HB stop humming, singing, swinging, ---“

Hindi nya ako pinatapos sa pagsasalita ko. Bumitaw sya sa kamay ko at medyo dumistansya palayo sa akin. Tumingin sya ng seryoso sa mga mata ko..

“w-why you’re looking me in that way?” she’s gloomy I don’t know why? May nasabi ba akong mali?

“and loving you either?” her eyes are so neutral.. I can’t see any feelings..

“ano bang sinasabi mo?”

“you want me to stop.. are you wishing that soon I’ll stop loving you?”

“huh? I am not! What’s wrong with you? I’m just saying to stop having an LSS.. I’m sorry you misunderstood”

I pulled her hands and kissed it.. “sorry” and I hugged her

“ouch! What was that for?!” she punched me on my stomach.. that one is hurt! Definitely a gangster


“you’re such a…” she paused

“ a what huh?” -__^

“nah.. nevermind ^_^”

“you are weird.. you’re gloomy a few minutes ago then now you are smiling.. are you okay?”

That Kind of a Guy: When Mr. Gangster Meets His Ms. Gangster[1] *under revision*Where stories live. Discover now