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It was the night when I woke up. I was in one of the bedrooms of the HQ of the Network.

Six other humans that I did not know were sleeping on beds around me. There was no noise to be heard, except the soft snoring of these people.

I step out of my bed and left the room. Everything was dark. I was stunned from the last day, I just walk on the corridor, without thinking about anything.

Suddenly, I heard someone crying and breathing heavily behind an infirmary door. I entered the room.

"Ethenor ! I said when I realized who it was.

He was obviously in pain, convulsing and breathing with difficulty.

Paul was asleep in the chair next to his bed. He probably was so worried that he fell asleep there.

"Can I help you? I asked, not really knowing if I should call a doctor or something.

"More... he moaned, pointing at a button labeled Szerihean with a little note added below in English: Morphin.

I hesitated for a bit but eventually clicked.

He convulsed once again and then calmed down.

I knew I should have let him sleep but I could not prevent myself from wanting to know more.

"Are...are you okay?

"I'm fine...Leave now!

"It was your son, right? I continued nevertheless.

"Shut the fuck up, he answered angrily.

Disappointed, I nodded and started to leave anyway.

"Jay...Please don't talk about him to anyone...

"Okay, I answered after a while, as you wish, but... you should talk to someone... Does Paul know?

"I tried to tell him but no... Haha..I think he realized without me saying anything. I was far too involved in the Network for someone who did not have children.

"How old is he?

"Kastan is 18, now.

So, his name was Kastan.

"Why is he on  Arkhant's side even though he is half human? Does Kastan understand that Arkhant wants to annihilate humans?

"It's complicated kid. Sometimes people make mistakes... I did... And I'm trying to fix it but... it's just... too complicated...

I must have had given him too much morphine because he just fell asleep while talking to me.

I stayed there, standing, I did not know for how long.

Somehow, things had gotten even more complex.

Then, when I started to feel too tired to stand I went back to my room and fell asleep as soon as I reached my bed.

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