Chapter One

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"God dammit, open the door." I yelled as I pounded my fist against Dimitri's dorm door. It flung open and I pushed straight in, saying nothing.

"Rose, what's wrong?" he said in surprise and slight annoyance.

"Read this."

I handed him the large book that Lissa and I had found in the church attic. It belongs to neither Vladimir nor Anna. Dimitri frowned, "You pounded on my door for this?"

"Dimitri please," I pleaded, shoving the short passage in his face. He gently took it from me and I watched as his eyes scanned the page, slowly becoming more frantic and then confused.

"... although drinking blood is a common factor of Moroi life, it is unheard of for a dhampir. As they do not require or crave the liquid..." Dimitri skimmed through and only read key parts. "However there are two known dhampirs, banished from society after tasting each others' blood." His eyes shot up to mine in confusion and I urged him to keep reading. Dimitri turned the page, "Mishka often complained to me about her lover's mood swings and nagging thoughts. At first, I didn't know what she meant..."

Dimitri's eyes skimmed through again, shook his head and handed me the book, "I don't want to read anymore of this."

I looked at him with pleading eyes. He looked away and I snatched the book from him, continuing where he left off. "Mishka called it a blood bond-"

"Rose, I don't need this right now." Dimitri growled.

I raised my voice, "She could feel every emotion and hear every thought. It is similar to what Vladimir and his guardian Anna share, but not quite. Mishka could never word her feelings perfectly and once let slip that she and Lukas had drank each others' blood. 'Tis forbidden in our world."

"Rose please..." he was now pleading for me to stop.

"Why Dimitri? Huh?" I cried, throwing the book on the ground, angry tears filling my eyes. I don't know where the sudden flare of emotion came from but I decided to roll with it. "What if..." I trailed off and stared at the ground, tears blurring my vision.

"Rose? Are you alright?"

"I'm sorry," I said in defeat, shoulders slumped. "I freaked out. This is just too much to take in. We were only supposed to study about Anna, but then this book showed up and I just..."

"Hey," he said, softly interrupting me. "It's okay. Maybe you should get some rest." Dimitri placed his hands on my upper arms and pulled me close.

I allowed him to tug me over to the bed and we both lie there together. No words were said and I subconsciously trailed my fingers up and down the artery in his neck. My thoughts travelled to Mishka and Lukas. They had both been dhampirs who drank each others' blood during sex. Merely a day later they were bonded in the most intimate way. Their thoughts and emotions could be projected to each other and over a period of time their love for each other intensified.

Someone must have told on them though, because they were banished from Moroi society and were outcasts of the Moroi world. The last entry from the mystery writer was a note about Mishka and Lukas' marriage. All entries drop off about them and return to more normal things.

I wonder what happened to them and if they lived a long and happy life.

"Dimitri?" I murmured, looking up at him.


"I love you."

He looked down at me, lips inches away from my own. "I love you too, Roza."

Our mouths met in a passionate kiss. It started out soft and sweet, projecting our love for each other. It was then that I realised how badly I wished to be connected to Dimitri like Lukas and Mishka were. We would have no secrets and could be together always.

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