Chapter Six

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I'm just another junkie in the corridors of St. Vladimir's. I spend my days either using, planning or getting my next fix. Once I've had it, I start preparing for the next one. It's like food or sleep or sex. Except, once you've eaten or slept or fucked, you can forget about it until the next time you're hungry, tired or horny. But for a junkie, you can never forget your need for that next fix. However, my next fix isn't drugs or even alcohol. The thirst for Dimitri's blood gets stronger every day. It makes up about ninety-four percent of my thought structure, and his too.

Our last exchange of blood was two and a half weeks ago, long past our deadline. Things have been hectic, never giving us just that one quick moment for blood. I've fought with teachers that have tried to send me to the clinic, and even my friends too. My physical appearance has diminished to a four out of ten. A constant sheen of sweat gives me the appearance that I've got some type of deadly fever. I'm cold... so, so cold.

Dimitri had tried on more than five occasions to get me alone, but someone will either interrupt or haul me away. And that brings me to today. I've skipped class for one reason, and one reason only. My body isn't functioning properly. Dimitri is stronger than me, through our weakened bond I could tell that he is out doing his shift. We can both sense each other, but our blood is what fully links us. This means that we can't mentally talk anymore. I'm sure that our next feeding should bring that ability back. If that feeding ever comes.

My blanket was wrapped up to my chin and I shivered involuntarily underneath. I was wearing several layers of clothes and even hugged a hot water bottle. It was strange behaviour for the middle of spring, and Lissa has been banging on my door non-stop for the past hour. "Rose, I know you're in there!" She yelled, "If you don't open this door then Guardian Petrov will break it down."

I ignored her petty threats and squeezed my eyes shut, wishing for it to all go away. My thirst was unbearable and I felt drowsy. Consciousness faded from me, just as the door burst open. The loud bang was enough to force my eyes open. Gasps were heard and then my name was shouted several times. But I couldn't hear, I couldn't see. I gladly allowed my hunger to consume me.


God, somebody turn that off.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Waking to a heart monitor is not the most ideal entrance to heaven, or hell. I would have pictured it as a holy choir and fluttering angel wings, or rings of fire begging to consume me whole. My blurry eyes were blinded by the brightest of lights. Maybe this was heaven after all. I'd have to associate with God on how to throw a welcome party.

"She's awake," an angelic voice gasped.

"Someone get the doctor," a rougher voice replied. I frowned.

"Where am I?" I groaned.

A dark-haired Moroi leant over me, flashing a bright light in my eyes. It was as if she thought this room wasn't bright enough. I squirmed away from her. "You're in the Academy's clinic, Rose. Do you remember what happened?"

"I'm not dead?"

The woman smiled. I instantly recognised her as Dr. Olendzki. "No, Rose. You're not dead."

I sighed and looked past her to see Lissa and Eddie. They each looked stressed, yet relieved at the same time. "I remember falling asleep..."

The doctor wrote something on a clipboard. "You didn't fall asleep, you fell unconscious-"

I gasped when I realised I wasn't the only occupied hospital bed in the room. Dimitri... "What happened to him?" I tried to keep out the frantic note in my voice, somehow being successful. I was frightened for him.

"The same thing that happened to you. We found him unconscious on the perimeters of his security rounds." Dr. Olendzki replied. "At first, we thought that maybe one of you caught some type of influenza bug and passed it on during training, but now? We're not so sure. I ran some tests on the both of you, same symptoms and reactions, but no sign of any kind of sickness or disease."

Shit. I have to get us out of here. If the doctor keeps running tests, she's going to find something strange in our blood work and then know our secret. My lover looked so pale and sick. Our fragile bond was the only indication that his heart was still beating. I stared up at the ceiling. "Can I... be alone for a while?" I cut off whatever Lissa was about to say. She looked hurt, but the trio nodded and eventually left. As soon as the door clicked shut, I pounced out of bed and briskly walked to the other side of the room. I was weak and felt like collapsing, but I refused. My shaky hand reached out to brush against his wrist. The skin beneath mine seemed to heat up and our bond sparked back to life as his eyes opened.

"Rose..." He whispered through cracked lips.

"How long without blood?" I whispered.

"Almost three weeks," the sound of Dimitri's voice was completely opposite to the strong and firm one I'm used to.

Three weeks. Oh God. Without even thinking about it, I allowed my fangs to lengthen and then tear at the soft tissue of my wrist. It hurt, instead of the pleasure I feel when Dimitri bites me, but I quit my bitching and held the oozing liquid to Dimitri's cracked lips. For a moment, nothing happened. And then finally, through my slightly light-headed state, I could feel the soft suckling from my bond mate. It was slow, exhausted at first, and then suddenly his intensity increased. The room spun as he drank and I laid my head on his shoulder in exhaustion.

"Stop," I whispered, barely able to keep my eyes open. From what I could see in my position, the warm tan had returned to his clammy skin. With much restraint, he pulled back. The familiar pop of fangs and a soft squelching sound alerted me to his own bleeding wrist. Dimitri sat up and gently guided my mouth to his wrist. I moaned softly as my exhaustion faded and the sickly sweet honey was drawn in gulps. My strength started to return and I suckled harder, as if my life depended on it. A soft groan escaped Dimitri's throat. When the last of my drowsiness faded, I pulled back and pressed a bloody kiss to my lover's lips.

We could taste each other's blood and a terribly familiar tightening of pleasure started up. I climbed onto his hospital bed and straddled his hips. Our lips were smeared with blood but our wrists had already healed, leaving wet blood and bruises, which we affectionately licked away. When I was satisfied with Dimitri's state, I relaxed on top of him. His arms wrapped around my waist, tightly. I could still feel the pleasure building, but pushed it away for now. Being alive was more important than sex. Our bond had kindled back intensely and I felt closer to Dimitri than ever.

Then reality hit. Less than ten minutes ago, we were both half dead and having tests run on us. And now we're in mint condition, and Dr. Olendzki will definitely be suspicious.

Don't worry, Rose. We can probably just write it off as a twenty-four hour bug.

Hearing Dimitri's voice through the bond again was such a relief. I smiled and breathed out. Maybe, I agreed.

A soft knock on the door made us both freeze. In record time, I jumped off Dimitri's bed and into my own. I had just finished pulling the covers up to my chin when Lissa walked in. She gave me a soft smile and then seemed to see Dimitri was awake. A look of surprise crossed her face. "You two look much better. If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone healed you," She left out a melodic laugh at her own joke, and I tried to smile, but it was difficult. Lissa was too close to knowing about us.

"Not to sound arrogant, or anything, but why didn't you heal us?" I asked.

"Dr. Olendzki wouldn't let me. She needed to run tests while you guys were out cold. She believes it's some type of rare bug that only dhampirs conceive." A small frown crinkled her beautiful features.

"Oh," I murmured, nonchalantly. "So, when do you think we can get out of here?"

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