A/N Conversations That You Might Want To Read.

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February 22

This is NOT a joke, I'm being serious here. I'm planning to QUIT Wattpad. Why? Well I have many reasons:

1- My Stories SUCK.

2- I received a comment from MysteriousMunchkin on a story that has been deleted, what the comment said? Let's not talk about what the comment said, but the comment made me feel like my words aren't intriguing and Inspiring.

3- I'm a bad writer.

4- I have terrible story ideas.

5- It takes me forever to update.

6- I have bad grammar.

7- This only applies to my Ask And Dare Book, but I have a bad sense of humor. When I try to make something funny, it's not humorous... just awkward.

8- This also only applies to my art book, but I am a horrible drawer, anyway, no one reads it.

9- From The seems of it, no one seems to read my stories anymore... and if they do... I'm surprised they managed to get passed that horrible writing.

10-I have a bad story lore.

11- No one likes my Sisters Love Fanfic since its Springtrap x Baby, and is even more awkward considering the fact that in the games, they are actually siblings (According to the spirits in the animatronics)

12- No one cares about my stories... they are horrible and carelessly made.

13- Have I mentioned I'm a bad writer?

14- I don't know how to make good stories.

LAST BUT NOT LEAST 15- I suck in general.

In a month or two.... or something, I'm going to abandon this account, unless someone stops me... but the chance of that happening is really low since its most likely gonna be that:

1- No one listens to me

.2- No one knows this message even exists.

3- People probably think I'm lying.

Well then... that's it!!! Have a wonderful day.

March 3

Quitting Wattpad Update:

As I said, I will be quitting Wattpad in two months, well, I will now be doing so at the end of March (Which has nothing special happening there).For the past weeks, I've been having the worst time of my life so I might as well give up now, while no one cares yet. So, I now have goals in life that I have completed, and still working on, such as:



Also know that from now on, I will be really inactive, and I will be closing my Ask and Dare Book (Sorry Swift ;^;)So, I don't think I have nothing else to share so have great day and know that It's best to be loved for someone you aren't, then to be hated for someone you are. Let's see how many people would care.

Today (March 6)

Quitting Wattpad Update:

In the last post, I declared that at the end of March I would leave Wattpad, well, in the recent days, I have been able to cope with some of my many problems in life, and you guys are such wonderful support <3So.... I might extend my stay back to two months, and the chance of me staying isn't so slim anymore. Live life to the fullest!!!

Soo.... Some people might have been disappointed in the fact that this Ask And Dare Book is closed... BUT, if I do truly stay then I will re-open a new Ask and Dare book with my own design of characters and a new plot :3

Ask And Dare The Humanoid FNAF Crew [CLOSED]Where stories live. Discover now