Here we go again

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Percy screeched for help, none arrived. He saw Nero standing over Annabeth's bleeding body, with cuts and scars everywhere he looked. He saw Apollo, Leo and Calypso lying dead on the floor, he saw Jason's head on a spike with Piper's burnt body ripped apart by hell hounds, he saw the rest of the seven(the seven from heroes of Olympus) on stakes with Greek fire and oil at there feet and he saw Nero lighting fire to their bodies, Percy passed out.

~Le Flash Back~

Percy laughed with Annabeth and Magnus,her cousin, at a joke he made about the Gods all  Greek, Roman and Norse. He took a glance at Apollo who was engaged in a fierce argument with Leo and Calypso, they were arguing if they should go and try to rescue Peach and Megan or if they should stay and help Percy and gang as they had creatively named themselves. Apollo was arguing fiercely with even tears in his eyes about them wasting too much time and that they should just hurry up and go find Megan and kill Nero and his two other evil friends while at it, Percy looked at Apollo tears and wondered if they were genuine or not, Percy wondered how long it had been since Apollo genuinely cried but as Percy was he just shrugged it off and he carried on his conversation with Annabeth and Magnus.

By this point Percy was getting worried about the argument between Leo and Apollo, at first he just ignored it as it was mild but now it was really getting heated up, Leo was shouting at Apollo and sometimes spontaneously combusting, Calypso was trying to settle the argument but to no avail, then Leo just stormed of in the heat of the moment, no pun intended, Calypso ran after him constantly looking back if anyone would follow them or not, Percy turned around to talk to Annabeth to ask if they should get involved or not but when Percy turned around she was not there anymore, he then had to race back to her. Little did they know they were racing towards there doom.

~Le Flash back ends~

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