Love Letters (Part 5)

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When ‘T’ wrote back, I was halfway through exam week and had no time to even think about replying to the letter. I considered making time for it but then decided it could wait a few days, my exams could not.

Dear J,

Funnily enough, I’ve been wondering what your name could be too. I understand that you don’t want to reveal yours, and since you wrote that you’d prefer not to know mine yet, I won’t disclose my name just yet either.

I too promise that I’ll never ask or expect you to meet me or communicate with me through any means other than how we are already communicating. I won’t swear it on anything though, I don’t believe in making promises to keep a promise, I just trust myself to stay true to my own word.

People have in fact moved in to the house a few doors down but we haven’t really seen them about. They’re probably still just settling in, but I’ll see if I can find out anything about them for you. Though I saw a woman taking out the trash this morning, blonde hair and brown eyes, does that ring any bells?

I understand how the silence can sound so soundless at times. In the silence I sometimes imagine myself hearing other noises, its true what they say, the silences can be deafening. Though I’ve never really been acquainted with silence to be honest, I grew up with three older sisters and being the only boy in the house meant I could make myself heard!

I’ve got exams on at the moment at college - not sure how old you are, but I’m presuming you’re around my age which would mean you’ve got exams too, so good luck if you do!


So finally, I knew that T was in fact a guy. I didn't know if that changed things, or changed how I felt towards my mystery writer. Why should it have changed anything? Me and Ethan managed to maintain a relationship where we were good friends and he was a guy too, but then I'd known Ethan since we were both too young to realise the many differences between boys and girls.

Questions littered my mind and I attempted to answer at least one, but I couldn't, so I brushed the questions under the carpet of my mind until someone else came along who could answer them for me.

In the meantime, I decided to reply to T and get on with my life.

Dear T,

Thank you for going along with the idea to keep our names to ourselves for the moment. It seems that you keep doing me favours and I keep becoming indebted to you.

Ethan's mum does have brown eyes, but her hair is less blonde and more of a light brown colour, but I suppose there is still a chance that it could be her, it's all up to perception. She's only got one son, Ethan. He's seventeen years old and he's got a mop of jet black hair, which is always immaculate even though he claims he doesn't even own a comb.

I don't have any siblings, I'm an only child though I'd love to have older sisters! What's it like to be the youngest? I can't imagine the rush to the bathroom every morning!

I did actually have exams on, I'm in college too! Thanks for the luck, I hope yours went well too, how do you think you did?


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