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(Edit: fixed grammar, human terms in here and some names!)

"Wolfkit, open your eyes, it's dawn!" A high mew woke me and I blinked my eyes open. My brother, Silentkit, was in front of me. What does he want now? Yesterday he woke me because of a bad dream. This could wait, I suppose.

"Why are you waking me up again, Silentkit?" I roll onto my back and stretch my paws in the air. Without warning he jumps up and lands near me, holding me down on my stomach with his front paws. "Get off me, you fur-ball!" I joke, getting out. Then, squeaking, I launch and pounce on his back. We try pinning each other for a few moments and I end up victorious.

"No fair," he wails. "You can't continue and tell me to stop!"

"Fine," I mew, letting go. In unison we shake our pelts and give a few licks on our paws. Our mother, Mistcloud, raises her head and looks at us. Her cold blue eyes stare us down and we know we've done something- but what?

She looks at the bundle of fluff at her paws. Then at us again. She taps the other kit, Snowkit, and purrs. "Don't you want to go play with your brother and sister, Snowkit?" Her mew is soft like snow and clouds. My sister didn't move at first but replied anyway. She then shakes and gives a little sniff. "Do I have to, Mistcloud?" Hopelessly she gazed at our mother. "It's so cold! Snow has just fallen," she whines. What? What a mouse-heart! No warrior is afraid of some snow! She's named after it.

"Come on, I'll lead us out. Maybe you want to see Foxflame?" Cautiously she rises and sweeps her tail above the ground. "Though you liked seeing all the flowers he has saved through Leaf-bare?" Snowkit raises her head and smiles. She likes the flowers, so many bright colours to see and who knows what all of them did; well, the answer was Foxflame! "Yes, lets go!" My sister leaps up and begins walking with a bounce in her step. She closes her eyes and takes a small breath after getting up, but she did that a lot. Just to lighten the mood, I leap at her and paw the top of her head. She coughs, and looks at me, angry. "What was that for!" She yells and takes a bite at my foot. I drag it away before because she is extremely slow. Ha, no warrior will be able to take me down!

Mistcloud is angered as well, "stop it!" Her mew is harsh. I don't like it, but I can't say anything. "You've had a cough for a few sunrises, Snowkit. I am going to have to take you to the medicine cat den for sure!" She hisses and picks my sister up. Snowkit flails and her white and grey pelt looks dull. "You two, stay out of trouble!" She orders and stomps her foot on the ground. Some soft snow flies up and hits Silentkit on the muzzle. He smiles and flicks it onto my head.

Our leader, Blizzardstar, pads by and smiles at us. "Innocent kits," he sighs. "Well, looks like you two are having fun. I would play, to keep you out of trouble for your mother to rest and care for Snowkit , but I have a meeting with Angelwing." He lashed his tail calmly and enters his den. A willow covers the entrance and it looks like complete darkness within. Mahoganyclaw followed and sat next to us. I shake the snow off before he is to close. He didn't really look satisfied but he didn't have a negative aura. He just looked as our leader entered the den and the branches covered it up. "Don't you want to be in there some day?" He stares at me and Silentkit. We just glance at each other and I eventually nodded. He smiled and stared at the entrance again. "Yeah, me too." He looks at the warriors' den and laughed a little. "Maybe one day." He got up and left. Before exiting camp he gave a look at us. Not strange but it felt a little unsettling.

Curious, I knew me and my brother were thinking the same thing. "We gotta hear that conversation!" We whispered excitedly and ran off to the side of the leader's den. It sounded like he and the medicine cat apprentice were talking.

"... maybe Quickfang would be a good deputy?" Angelwing said softly. "He's been working for a long time. He's determined! You know he'll do anything to prove his worth!" They couldn't see, but everyone knew Blizzardstar loved to pace while thinking. His tough mew broke the silence, and he was trying to be quiet even though the cave echoed. "Perhaps. But Mahoganyclaw is a strong cat. Since your father died, he's been stronger-"

"I question his loyalty." Angelwing spoke out suddenly. "Sorry, Blizzardstar. But you know he sneaks out a lot. Plus he orders cats around after my brother- and your deputy's- death? And you remember, don't you?"

"Yes," the our leader responded. "With the calm and the quiet, the storm will settle and the cries will rise."

"And I think we may have a problem in our paws. Do not trust Mahoganyclaw."

"The new deputy will be chosen by me, only by me, and for this clan to prosper. Your hunch won't change my decision! I cannot think of any way he is connected to that prophecy. A fine warrior must be chosen; swift, a good hunter, great leadership skills and trustworthy. You may not think it, but Mohoganyclaw wins all these battles! And I will address this after the gathering with my clan."

We hear him approach and quickly dash under a bush. Who was he going to choose! But that could wait. We need to know what will happen at the gathering!

Angelwing pads out and hisses under her voice. I can't hear, even when I try to, yet I don't want to know what she's thinking at the same time.

Hoooo got that prophecy in. I think it's a lot better! This book will be better! I sound to excited XD but yeah... Comment what you think? :D

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