The "Contender" flew swiftly and smoothly, never once hitting a bout of turbulence. After landing, I stayed in the cockpit trying to catch my breath. "That was amazing. None of the 56's at my old school fly like THAT." Sebastian chuckled. "Yeah, We don't have anything lower than a 42-class jet and nothing higher than a level 9 rocket." I flinched internally at the mention of the rocket type-the kind my brother and father had crashed in. I climbed out and brushed myself off, though the jet was immaculate. Sebastian clambered out and ran his hand through his hair, making me melt. He had this blonde hair but it wasn't too short or too long and it was gorgeous. I realized I was staring and broke my gaze before he could catch it. He sighed and looked around, scratching the back of his neck. " will be done soon...we should..uh..." I jumped on the chance. "Yeah, yeah I'll go...." I started off, and Sebastian tapped my shoulder. "Uhm, dinner is this way..." I turned a deeper red and turned around. "T-thanks...." I started away swiftly, and I heard him chuckle. 


When I made it to the mess hall, it was loud. There were people of all ages, from middle age men to people about my age-my squadron. One waved me over and I smiled, walking through the assortment of low tables to their table. I sat and Ava laughed. "You need food, duh." She pointed to a buffet table and I turned red. "Oh....right..." I looked back to a line in front of the buffet. I walked over and joined the line, watching those in front of me to know what to do. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I spun around to find a girl about my age smiling kindly. "Are you the new recruit?" I nodded and she held out a hand. "Libby Galasso, been here for 3 years, top of my class. Single, but hands off Bennett. are?" I shook her hand then shifted my weight from foot to foot. The line wasn't moving, so I couldn't escape this. " name is Laila, new recruit. Single, uh...yeah..." The line finally moved and I looked gratefully to the food. There was smooth mashed potatoes, burgers, and fruit salad. I got a little bit of each. Libby followed suit and I grabbed a water bottle from the end of the line. "Have fun, Laila. And good luck." She smiled and walked off, and I made my way to Ava's table. I sat down in the only empty seat-between a bickering Ava and Jordyn. I had no clue what it was about, nor did I want to figure it out. I ate in silence, whilst the others talked and laughed. A girl I didnt recognize spoke nearly halfway through. "So....the new recruit, huh? Scared?" She giggled. "No, not really," I replied confidently. "I'm actually very ready to start. I love Flying and this academy is all I've dreamed of." She looked taken aback, and cleared her throat. "Uhm...well, I hope you have fun." She went back to her conversation with those around her and I noticed Ava and Jordyn were silent. Ava tapped my shoulder and pointed subtly. "Don't look now, but Sebastian is staring at you." She grinned slyly and I peeked back to his table. He was, in fact, staring at me. I turned red and looked away. Ava laughed at my blush and poked my side. "Someone's got a cruuussshhh!" She whispered to me. "Aw, how cute! And the instructor, too. Rebel. I like it." She rambled on, but I didnt hear her. I was too busy thinking. Why was he staring? What does he want? What did I do? Does he like me back? No, I doubt that. He probably has a girlfriend anyways... Jordyn jabbed me in the side, pulling me from my thoughts. I looked around to see a nearly empty mess hall. Jordyn was standing. "Cmon! Last class starts in 10 minutes!" I stood and rushed out the door.

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