The Ballad of Eurydice

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It was all so perfect.

You and I- we were in love.

Lost in a blissful passion,

The instrument of your voice painting our love song

That danced on my ears.

Nothing could ever go wrong.

And then I fell,

Gripped in the clutches of Thanatos

The darkness consumed me.

Now a spirit, wandering,

Lonely, lost, loveless without you,

Longing for what we once had.

But I, my Love, was gone

For eternity.

And then your voice came.

Drifting through the dark caves of Hades' domain,

Soaring above the lost souls

The most beautiful sound ever heard-

The song of our love.

And I followed.

You had come to free me

From the fields of Asphodel.

The esperance of escape and our effervescent love

Encouraged me onward.

Our love would conquer all.

Don't look back, my Dear,

I am coming,

Following the melody towards the light.

Have patience, my Dear,

I'm almost there,

So close to being with you again.

But sometimes...

Sometimes love is too much...

Sometimes longing turns into loss...

The deep thirst for the other becomes the undoing...

Sometimes craving becomes a curse...

You looked back.

And our song vanished.

Our love song never sounded again,

Never heard by my ears

Or sung by your sweet lips,

For your love became our downfall.


This poem is about the Greek myth of Orpheus and his lover, Eurydice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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