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     I woke up to having the worst pain. I lifted the blanket and sat up to see blood. I shook Luke, and he jumped up, and looked at me. "What's wrong??" I looked down, and he looked down at my legs, and ran towards the door. He came back with the bag and helped me up. We walked to the car, and he started speeding, "Luke slow down would you?" He ignored what I said, and went faster. We soon got to the hospital and they rushed me in.

~ Time Skip ~

     After what seemed as years of pushing this child out of me, they finally got her, they cleaned her up and handed her to Luke. "Can I see her..?" He walks over to me, gently handing her to me. "What's her name, beautiful?" I look at the nurse, and smile. "Skigh Emily Hemmings." I looked over at Luke who answered for me. Mum and Ashton walked in. "Look how beautiful you look. Two children and you're still drop dead gorgeous." I smile at Ashton's words. Cal walks over with Ethan, "Who's that mummy?" "Say hi to your new baby sister." His face drops, and he frowns. "I no want baby sitser!" Cal picks him up and walks out the room. 

~ Cal's POV ~ 

     "Hey. We talked about this. You said you said you wanted a sister." "I want mummy!" I sat him down on the seat in an empty room. "You need to stop this mister. I'm not going to let you have an attitude. Whether you like it or not, that is your little sister, and I don't care what you have to say about this." He starts crying, I pick him up and walk to Mia's room. "Can you give us a moment..?" Everyone walks out the room, and Mia looks over to Ethan wiping his tears. "Why are you crying?" He attempts to climb on the bed. "He doesn't want to share you with Skigh." She looks at me, then back down to him. "Look at her. She looks just like you baby."

     "No." He looks at her confused. "When you were a baby, this is what you looked like." He looks at her in disbelief. I grabbed my phone, and went on my account, and pulled up one of his old baby photos. This is what you looked like." He says, "Eww." and leans on Mia. "But you MY mummy." "Yeah I know baby boy. But you have to live with her. I promise you, you will love her. Where's mummy's sweet little Ethan??" He giggles and lays next to her. "Wanna hold her?" He nods, and sits up properly. He looks at her and holds his arms out. "Help him please." She giggles. I walk over to them, and help Ethan fold his arms the right way. Mia gently lays Skigh in his arms. 

~ Time Skip ~

     I was sitting on the couch with Skigh's dog, the dog Luke got her the day she came home. But she's big now. Jax got so old, but hey they both loves these dogs. Two huskies in my house, and i'm surprised they haven't made babies yet. Anyways, I started petting Lexy's head. She cuddled into my side, and rested her head on my thigh. The front door slammed open, I turned around to see Ethan run up the stairs. Skigh and Luke walk in behind him shutting the door. "What happened?" Lexy runs up to Skigh, and they both run to the other couch across from me. 

     "Luke why're you home so early??" "They called me while I was at work, they said Skigh was in trouble. " "What did you do??" She looks up at me, and pets Lexy. "Ethan seen these boys picking on me." "How were they picking on you love bug??" "The-" Ethan cuts her off, "They had her pinned against a locker. I kicked two of them in the face, and while the one that had her pinned against the locker was distracted by me, Skigh kicked him in his private." "Wait. You two got suspended? Do you have proof that any of that happened??" 

     He walks down the stairs, and pulls Skigh over to me. "Show her your arms." Skigh shakes her head no. Ethan walks into the kitchen and walks out with a rag. He grabs her face, and rubs something off her neck, and pulls her sleaves up. I seen bruises all along her arms, and on her neck. A hand print from where they had her pinned against the locker was bruised into her neck, and her arms had scratches and bruises. "Did they do this to you?" She looked down avoiding Luke's question. "You think that's all mom?" He wipes the makeup off her face. There's a bruise under her eye. "I'm sorry Skigh, but i'm not going to let you hide this anymore."

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