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Maya's Pov.

"Maya get up!"

"Ugh.. No one more day!" I say

"Honey tonight's the rodeo party you have to help. Please honey get up." My mother says. I get up and notice Riley still sleeping.

"Hey Riley get up." I say shaking her.

"I'm up." She says smiling. I get out off my bed and start looking through my clothes.

"I have to help out at the rodeo tonight if you wanna join." I say and she smiles sitting at the edge of the bed.

"What's a rodeo?" Riley asks.

"It's when men ride bulls and try to beat 8 seconds. Except tombstone he's 4 seconds. I don't like to watch so i wait in the tent across from it and just help around there." I say and she looks down.

"Why don't you watch?" Riley asks and I turn to her.

"I hate seeing the guys getting hurt." I say and turn back around.

"Okay I'll go and help you but I don't really have anything to wear." Riley said and I smile grabbing my outfit and hers.

*the girls outfits.*

"This is beautiful I'll change

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"This is beautiful I'll change." Riley says smiling and going to my restroom. I walk out into the hall and go to that bathroom and start changing.

"Ready?" I ask riley.

"Ready." She says and we walk downstairs.

"Honey are you gonna walk or do you want your father and I to take you girls?" My mother asks.

"I think we're good walking thanks mom. Love you." I say smiling opening the door.

"Love you to baby girl." My mom says smiling. Me and riley walk out and I close my door.

We start walking towards the rodeo in silence.

"So your parents are nice." Riley says brakeing the silence and I smile and nod my head. She smiles and keeps walking.

"Maya?" I hear I turn around and it was Zay I run to him and hug him. Man it feels like we haven't talking in months.

"I missed you to." Zay says laughing. I let go and smile and he stares behind me I had almost forgot Riley was there.

"Oh Zay this is my friend Riley, Riley this is my best friend Zay." I say smiling and they shake hands and smile.

"Nice to meet you Maya's told me great things about you." Riley says smiling looking at us both.

"That's nice. It's nice meeting you to beautiful. Maya where is hannah I thought you'd be with her?" Zay asks and my smile falls Hannah the girl who was my best friend.

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