Chapter 5: I don't listen to music

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1 week later...

Honestly this week has been the longest week of my life, but I have been planning on some types of questions to ask Mike. He hasn't been talking to me. I walk up to him and say "hey". He just ignores me, and it's so annoying. I just want him to talk to me. Did I seriously hurt him that bad. I mean, he can live without cigarettes...right?

I got up from my bed and checked my notifications. The group chat has bearly been talking. I guess they were just all busy.

I get up and do my morning routine. After I finished I grabbed my phone and backpack and walked out my room. Just as I was getting ready to open the front door I heard my step mother Jess call my name. I turned around to face her.

"Yes Jess?" I asked her quickly because she clearly knows I wanna leave.

"I haven't talked to you in awhile. Like a real conversation, so how are you?"

"I'm fine," I answered.

"That's have you talked to your dad yet?"

"No, I'll call him when I come home."

"Okay, well do you need a ride to school?"

"No I'll just walk, thanks for the offer," I walked to the door.

I lefted the house and walked to school. Luckily it didn't look like it was going to rain. Just as I was walking a car pulled up to me and honked which caused me to jump. Nathan rolled down the window.

"Oh my gosh Nathan, you scared me to death," I said breathing out.

"Sorry I didn't mean to cause a heart attack," he said chuckling. "Anyway, do you need a lift? Don't want you walking in the hot sun and be drenched in sweat when you get school, do we now?"

"Finally someone who cares, sure," I said getting in his car. "So, what song are we gonna play?"

He smirked. "I don't listen to music."

When he said that I thought I died.

"What! How can you not like music!?" I screamed at him.

"I don't know, I don't enjoy it as much as other people do."

"Wow," is all I said. We drove to school in silence after that. I didn't mind, but he might have felt awkward.

When we got to the school I stepped out the car looking around and my eyes landed on someone. Cole. Cole hated me since I first came to college. I mean, I really don't care to be honest, but sometimes it feels like he is watching me.

I walked in the building with Nathan making everyone stare at us. I don't know why but people see me as the center of attention. Like can you not look at me, I know I'm fabulous. Anyway me and Nathan went our separate ways. I walked to my locker and opened it up. Just when I did that all my stuff inside my locker feel to floor making a mess. Great. Just what I need. I bend down and picked up my stuff and then a felt a loud smack.

Oh my god.

I turned around quickly to see one of the jock boys laughing as he had just smacked my butt. His name was Mile. How dare he. I got so angry in that moment. Then out of nowhere Cole smashes Mile into the lockers and yells at him in his face.

"You're so disrespectful, don't you dare ever hit a damn woman again!"

Mile looked scared as ever while Cole looked scary as ever.

I watched not knowing what to do. Cole let go of Mile then looked at me. I starred back at him not saying a word. My mind still focused on what just happened.

"A simple thanks would be just nice," Cole said. Then walked away leaving me with a crowd of people starring at me. Again.


Thanks so much for reading this chapter.
I've been having phone problems and soon ill have a new one to write more.
Also I got 70 eyeballs thank you so much for that.
The chapter is short but the next one I promise will be longer. Thank you for reading!!!

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